Time: 12:00 am
Present Anne Ulmer, Dennis Easley, Bruce Anderson, Lizzy Shephard, Vera Chang, Jannel Anderson, Kelly Carlin, Gary Wagenbach, Whit Jones
Absent Steve Spehn, Kirk Campbell, Mark Kanazawa
Secretary: Whit Jones
Paper – Kelly, Anne
– The ITS print management software committee has continued to meets. They are setting up a demo, which will probably happen for the entire month of February. At that time they will ask for volunteers, both student and faculty.
– Data is still being compiled by Julia Burmesch about paper consumption. This taskforce plans on making the case that since we will save money on consumption we can afford the extra cost of recycled paper.
– The committee will notify the campus about the print management software, possibly through the Carletonian, to avoid backlash.
– Goal: Is to make serious progress on instituting 100% recycled paper
Energy – Whit, Steve, Eric, Vera, Mark, Kirk, Rob
– This taskforce decided to initially access ‘where we are’ right now. What policy is on the books? Is it being followed? Are there obvious demand-side measures we could take to conserve energy
– Considering the creation of an ‘Energy Monitor’ as a student-work position. Possibly integrating this task into existing jobs (Security, ResLife)
– Goal: Determine where we are, and consider policy options to make improvements.
Transportation – Bruce, Dennis, Jannel
– This taskforce has begun to exchange information about maintenance and fleet vehicles. Considering the options for improving fuel efficiency.
– Challenges: Historically fleet vehicles have been purchased from a local dealer. There is not a local dealer who offers imports, so this limits options. It will also be necessary to access the functionality of the current fleet system; do we need mini-vans? Would a couple of 10-seater biodiesel vans be useful?
Communication – Vera, Lizzy, Mark, Gary, Tim
– Role: To increase awareness and involvement of larger community
– Goals: Communicate to campus what the EAC does, communicate sustainability concerns and projects on-campus, improve communication between Olaf and Northfield.
– The group is considering regularly publishing viewpoints in the Carletonian. KRLX has also offered to run stories on the EAC. The group may later contact media relations.
– Wants to institutionalize communication between Olaf and Northfield.
– Lizzy gave us a rundown of the website. The new layout seems strong and some recommendations were given.
Other agenda items
Compost presentation – Tess and Beth
– Led by Tess and Beth, SOPE is applying for the NWF Campus Ecology Fellowship to further research and education about composting.
– Tess was seeking an endorsement from the EAC and it was unanimously granted.
Misc. upcoming events
Students from three CAMS classes will be creating a website as a clearinghouse for information on the potential ethanol plant.
Bruce Steve and other energy leaders in the community met to learn about and discuss the possibility of district heating and electricity. Bruce will be meeting with State Representative David Bly on January 27th at 11:15 at Bittersweet.
Dennis will be attending a presentation given by Food Recycles on Tuesday, February 13th from ~9 am – 1 pm. Contact Dennis if you are interested.
Jason Hill, an agronomist who has done extensive research on biofuels will be giving a Biology Seminar on April 9th