Time: 12:00 am

Present Dennis Easley, Anne Ulmer, Kelly Carlin, Steve Spehn, Kirk Campbell, Gary Wagenbach, Jannel Anderson, Vera Chang, Lizzy Shephard, Whit Jones, Bruce Anderson

Absent Mark Kanazawa

Communication – Vera, Lizzy, Mark, Gary, Tim
– First Green Piece article was printed in the Carletonian on 2/2. They will continue to delegate responsibility for writing an article.
– Working with Brandon Walker on a radio program.
– Considering pitching a story to Media Relation, especially considering upcoming Capital Campaign.
– Have made substantial progress on the website. The framework should be finished by the end of Winter term and the content should be filled in by mid-Spring term.

Paper – Kelly, Anne
– The ITS print management software committee is struggling to set-up a demo because of technical difficulties.
– Julia Burmesch has statistics for paper consumption in the Fall of ‘06. Currently figuring out price quotes for recycled paper. She thinks that the saved money from reduced paper consumption will be tight.
– Next week the taskforce will print an article in the Carletonian about print management software.
– Lizzy suggested that the taskforce meet with Prof. Barron who was involved in getting recycled paper at Princenton.

Transportation – Bruce, Dennis, Jannel
– This taskforce has divided into four sub-groups: (1) campus (do a vehicle count, survey, understand how faculty/staff get to school) (2) northfield/car pooling (do students use vans or buses to get around), (3) ground and facility vehicles, (4) fleet vehicles.
– Bruce has received the logs on fleet vehicles.

Energy – Whit, Steve, Eric, Vera, Mark, Kirk, Rob
– Reviewed current policy regarding energy, primarily our Construction Guidelines. Determined that this was not satisfactory and could use more clarity and baselines.
– Using AASHE.org to compare other schools energy policy.
– Specifically want to look into the incremental costs of moving to the higher requirements of LEED.

Presentation on national climate/energy initiatives – Whit Jones
• President’s Climate Commitment -http://www.presidentsclimatecommitment.org/
– 64 president’s to date have signed this commitment modeled after the Mayor’s Climate Agreement.
– Requires colleges to set long-term goals and develop institutional structures, and to take measures effective immediately
– President Oden has received an invitation to join the Leadership Circle of the commitment and the administration is currently considering it.

• The Campus Climate Challenge – http://www.climatechallenge.org
– Encourages students to start clean energy campaigns on their campuses
– Over 500 campuses are participating.
• Focus the Nation – http://www.focusthenation.org
– A national day of symposia on Jan 31st 2008 to discuss “Solutions for Global Warming.”
– Over 200 institutions have committed to holding symposia, including Macalester, St. John’s, and Minneapolis area churches.

Presentation on upcoming planning and construction decisions – Steve
Steve updated us on the status of the Utility Master Plan. Sebesta Blomberg has been hired to conduct the study and it should be completed by September. This is being done as Facilities is trying to establish a vision of what Carleton will look like in 20 years. There have been plans for many planned projects and this new growth could require substantially more utility loads.
Because there is so much being planned at this time, we have the opportunity to do something different, and that is to incorporate sustainability. Facilities needs help gauging how important sustainability is on campus. And has asked the EAC for help in determining this.
This also comes at a time when the above outline national initiatives are underway. Around the country people are creating energy policies, establishing baselines, and setting goals. It would be very helpful for Facilities to have these.

Steve’s presentation led into a discussion on the best way to approach this opportunity. Lizzy suggested a free dinner with presentations from the ENTS Junior Colloquium, and Facilities (Sebesta Blomberg) that invited input from anyone interested.
It was also recognized that we need to reach out to all concerned stakeholders, especially the Board of Trustees. Lizzy and Steve plan on writing a letters to the Trustees (who are currently meeting in AZ) to update them on our committee and inquire if it would be possible to meet with them in May.

The next EAC Meeting will be February 22nd in the Sayles Hill Lounge.