Time: 12:00 am
Present Kelly Carlin, Kirk Campbell, Mark Kanazawa, Whit Jones, Jannel Anderson, Anne Ulmer, Bruce Anderson, Lizzy Shephard, Rob Lampaa, Dennis Easley, Vera Chang, Gary Wagenbach
Absent Steve Spehn
Secretary: Whit Jones
• Food Truth Week (May 7th-13th) – A week dedicated to raising food consciousness. Education on environmental and social issues. If you have ideas, want to be a speaker, panel member, contact Vera.
• Earth Day went well, as did the Sustainability Dinners that the EAC helped fund.
• Congratulations to Bruce, Becky Dernbac, and Myles Bakke for being this years recipients of the Northfield Sustainability Awards! Lizzy told us that there is a possibility of having 4 sustainability student workers next year
Joe Zimsen, Hour Car
• House Car is a car-sharing program of the Non-profit Neighborhood Energy Connection. They currently have 15 hubs in the Twin Cities. They wouldn’t be able to create a hub here with just a handful of cars, but they would be interested in helping operate Carleton’s fleet. Community members would be allowed to use these cars, and it could reduce the demand for parking. It is possible that rates could be adjusted for us since we are a large institution.
Communication – Vera, Lizzy, Mark, Gary, Tim
– The taskforce has recruited many writers to create content for the website. Most of the content has been uploaded to the old website, and it will be transferred to the new layout shortly.
– If you have any photos from Carleton that you think would be appropriate for the website, please pass them on to Lizzy.
Transportation – Bruce, Dennis, Jannel
– They have been having discussions with the Hour Car representative.
– Jannel is leading a car count on Friday May 4th. Email Jannel if you are interested in helping.
Paper – Kelly, Anne
– ITS demoed the two print management systems. It is still unclear which software they prefer; in the next few weeks they will be fine-tuning details and weighing options. The plan is still for it to be operational next fall.
Carbon Neutrality – Whit, Eric, Mark, Rob, Bruce
– Worked on editing the EAC Charter to include carbon neutrality.
– Whit and Eric have been in discussion with CSA leaders and VP Rogers about the creation of a Carbon Neutrality Revolving Fund (CNRF). The CSA has expressed interest in contributing $15,000 to $20,000 and Fred has offered to match their contribution.
– The full sub-committee discussed the possibility of administering the proposed Carbon Neutrality Revolving Fund (CNRF).
The EAC Charter
– The committee unanimously voted in favor of the proposed revisions to the EAC Charter, with pending amendments. The final text will be presented at the next meeting for confirmation.
– The committee voted to administer the CNRF
Budget Requests
– The committee allocated $340 to the Food Truth Group to bring a speaker on Biodiesel to campus
– The EAC also agreed to contribute at least $5000 to the CNRF
The next EAC Meeting will be May 10th at 4 pm in Upper Sayles.