Time: 12:00 am
Present Anne Ulmer, Kelly Carlin, Steve Spehn, Gary Wagenbach, Jannel Anderson, Vera Chang, Lizzy Shephard, Whit Jones, Kirk Campbell, Kelly Carlin
Absent Mark Kanazawa, Dennis Easley, Bruce Anderson
Secretary: Whit Jones
• Food Truth Week (May 7th-13th) – A week dedicated to raising food consciousness. Education on environmental and social issues. If you have ideas, want to be a speaker, panel member, contact Vera.
• Bruce’s ideas: Scrolling marquee for energy production/consumption information.
: Refurbishing hydroelectric dam in town
• Green Career Panel on Saturday
• Nominate someone for the Sustainability Award. Send nominations to Lizzy and Mark
• Lizzy told us that there is a possibility of having 4 sustainability student workers next year
• Community Energy Dinner went very well. Everyone was happy with attendance and interest in these issues.
• Look out for a slew of events during the weekend of Earth Day (April 22nd).
Communication – Vera, Lizzy, Mark, Gary, Tim
– A viewpoint was published last week about the Energy Discussion Dinner
– Mock-up of website looks great. Met with people working on the website to train them on Reason, so that content can be updated. Hopefully everything will be updated by April 19th.
Transportation – Bruce, Dennis, Jannel
– Adam is going to take up the analysis of fleet and grounds vehicles as part of his capstone
– Meeting with Hour Car on April 26th at 3 pm.
– Compiling all information that we have on transportation and having it in a centralized location.
Paper – Kelly, Anne
– Met with the ITS print management committee.
– Kelly and Anne have sent out emails to faculty and students to recruit volunteers for the demo. The demo will be occurring Wed. 10-1, Thurs. 11-3, Fri 11-3 in the CMC 106.
Carbon Neutrality – Whit, Eric, Mark, Rob, Bruce
– Reported on restructuring the EAC and the possibility of a carbon neutrality revolving fund.
– All voting members vote in favor of our restructuring proposal, and making carbon neutrality a central focus of our charter.
– The restructuring creates 3 co-chairs (Director of Facilities, Director of ENTS, and the ENTS Fifth year intern. Committee members will be 2 additional faculty members, 2 members of the staff, and 3 students (one of which will be the CSA liaison). Both co-chairs and members will have voting privileges.
– The Carbon Neutrality Committee will draft language to include in the EAC’s charter for our next meeting.
Carbon Neutrality Revolving Fund
– Discussed the possibility of having a self-sustaining fund that students could use for energy efficiency and conservation projects. Demonstrated energy savings would refund the fund, this the fund could grow.
– CSA has discovered $33,000 in their budget that was unaccounted for, and students plan on asking the CSA to provide fund money that would be matched by other sources of funding on campus.
– Eric and Whit will be presenting to the CSA this coming week and having preliminary discussions with other interested parties.
The next EAC Meeting will be April 26th at 4 pm in Upper Sayles.