Time: 10:00 am
Present Tsegaye Nega, Julie Klassen, Richard Strong, Dennis Easley
Absent Wayne Beierman -CSA will appoint two new student members (one full three year and one fall term only) this weekend and a senate liaison on Monday -3rd faculty member?
Secretary: Alyssa Thomas
Updates on campus plan and art gallery
– Strong reported that requests for proposals were sent and returned electronically
– Art gallery: 11 were returned and 4 architects will be interviewed late October/early November with a selection to me made by January
– Campus plan: RPs will be back by end of September, selection by January
– The art gallery architect will work with the campus planner to select site of gallery, 5 locations “gaining momentum”
– Efforts will be made to make the gallery green, campus plan is definitely focused on sustainability
Energy Use
– more dorm rooms are being equipped with better heat controls
– the three science buildings use about 1/2 of campus energy
– fume hoods use significant amounts of energy; many are not even being used for anything
– Thomas will draft a letter to science department chairs to look into this matter, committee will look over it at the next meeting
– Preliminary plans for an all campus (faculty, staff and students) discussion of energy beginning of next term
– Thomas will contact CSA to see if they would help sponsor
– Strong could talk about Carleton’s energy use compared to other nearby collges (i.e. St Olaf, Macalaster)
– Klassen pointed out it would be a great forum to raise awareness if nothing else
Farmhouse Discussion
– Strong and Mark Govoni visited Northland College this summer
– Their sustainably designed building looks pretty normal
– Composting toilets and waterless urinals working well
– Klassen and Thomas updated the committee on the focus of the ENTS junior colloqium for the next two terms
– This term, 9 groups of students are investigating different areas of sustainable architecture (exterior & interior design, heating, insulation, etc…) this term
– Next term the focus will be on plans for a sustainable building
– It was suggested and agreed that a couple of these students sit on the famhouse discussion committee (Thomas will contact Mark Govoni)
– Continued discussion of how to find out if alumni would be interested in helping to finance the project
-Easley said as of now the system isn’t working but it’s too early to give up
-Thomas believes SOPE did an evaluation and will be working on improving the system this term
-the committee expressed interest into continuing research onto composting in the dining halls
Wind Power
– Thomas gave an update as to what the school district and community wind task force were working on
– The school district has decided to have Jeff Paulsen, a lawyer and Carleton grad, prepare the final proposal for the school district
– Jeff is very knowledgeable and works with a wind developer that has done both wind farms (buffalo ridge) and school turbines (spirit lake)
– Goal is to have final proposal to the board late November, and to have the turbine up before school starts next year
– The idea is for the school district to purchase one small or two large turbines and for Carleton to hopefully purchase at least one
– Financing is a big question
– Strong has received permission to present to the trustees in November; hopefully will get go ahead to next steps
– When trustees are here again in February could present final proposal?
– Jeff Paulsen will hopefully be present at the next meeting to answer questions and outline the next steps, Steve Kelly and someone from the development office should also be there
Future Meetings
-Meetings will now be held every other Monday at 3:30 pm starting October 7
Meeting adjourned 11:25am