Time: 3:15 pm

Present Richard Strong, Julie Klassen, Norm Vig, Wayne Beierman, Jamie Long, Hannah Chapin

Absent Chuk Kittredge, Dennis Easley, 3rd faculty member

Secretary: Alyssa Thomas

Tree Free follow-up/evaluation
The committee discussed the draft questionnaire Sarah Mazur had written
Overall, the questions were good
A few suggestions were made: asking when the stopped using recycled paper and what type(s) of copiers and printers they have
Thomas will make the changes and send it to everyone for approval
Klassen made a point that recycled paper should be used as the standard (vs. the Eucalyptus paper being used now)
Several people commented on how the new paper being used was both whiter and slicker

Recycling Update
Chapin updated the committee on plans that she and Thomas have developed to increase recycling on campus
Next Friday’s ‘Tonian will feature a half page ad that says what you can and cannot recycle; what bin labels mean; how/where to compost
Chapin will talk to Kirk Campbell about what should be done with cardboard boxes in Sayles (put by recycling bins, etc…) and put that in the ad also
Chapin will also be writing a viewpoint for the same week
The committee discussed how the ad can be seen as a starting point with the potential for posters and NNB ads

Composting Update
Long reported that the composting bins are way too large and that may be affecting the use
Long suggested the old composting bins be used for battery recycling in dorms and that new, smaller bins for composting could be purchased with EAC money
The committee thought that was a good idea
Chapin is going to look into off-campus houses being able to compost
Strong reported on the use of the bins (Easley provided the numbers but was unable to attend), so far this year the totals are as follows: Dacie Moses-10 gallons, Parish-5 gallons, Faculty Club-10 gallons, Benton House-0 gallons, Allen House-1 gallon
Long reported that SOPE is working on composting in the dining halls; they are in the preliminary stages and are looking at the systems at several other small colleges

Wind Energy Update
Strong reported that things are still moving along with September still as the target date
Carleton is on board if the school district is, and vice versa
The turbines would be located on a ridge to the east of the college and would therefore be visible from campus
Strong noted that with the Euro rising in value, turbines are becoming more expensive
Strong is working with a trustee to try and get GE to donate a turbine

All-campus energy forum
This will take place during Earth Week
Strong updated the committee that the college is purchasing three energy tracking systems from a firm in Wisconsin
The equipment provides energy usage readings by the hour
The systems will be used on Myers, Farm House and Parish to get a sense of the differing energy consumption
The committee had many ideas where other systems would be useful, however it was decided that the committee should think more about this over the next two weeks

Due to time constraints, the last three items on the agenda were pushed to the next meeting
The next meeting will be Thursday, January 30 at 3:15 pm, location TBA