Time: 3:15 pm
Present Wayne Beierman, Dennis Easley, Hannah Chapin, Julie Klassen, Joel Weisberg, Jamie Long, Richard Strong, Chuk Kittredge
Absent Norm Vig
Secretary: Alyssa Thomas
1) Composting Update
Easley and Long updated the committee on the progress of figuring out a composting system for the dining halls
Easley passed out a cost comparison for landfill vs. composting (commercial operation)
The numbers used for this comparison are the current best estimates
Middlebury is currently capturing around 90% of the kitchen waste
However, this is the high end and we would probably start around 75%
Long commented a partnership with a local farm would probably be a cheaper option (vs. commercial operation)
SOPE is continuing to look into this option
Easley commented on the risk involved with a local farm that at some point the farmer would stop taking the agreed amount, or not at all
Long agreed this could happen but a clear and specific contract might alleviate this risk
Several members of SOPE will meet with Joe Winegardner to talk to him about how a composting system would work in the dining halls
Weisberg reported on a discussion he had with an organic farmer who was worried about the meat content
There was discussion on the possibility of using the compost on Carleton fields (and hopefully lower costs)
Apparently Middlebury uses some for their greenhouse, some for landscaping and possibly sells the rest
The option of using it on Carleton land needs more investigation
Easley is preparing more questions to ask about Middlebury’s system
2) Tree Free Update/Discussion
Thomas reported on the status of this campaign
The survey was sent out via email to all offices, programs, departments, as well as department/program chairs
So far there has been limited response
Only one department chair has responded (political science)
Most surveys have been returned via email
Several surveys have been printed out and returned anonymously
The majority of responses indicated offices are just using whatever is being sent to them (the standard)
In the past, recycled paper use had led to jamming; however this is probably from the 100% recycled (which is no longer being used/considered)
The responses seem to indicate that the recycled paper would be used as long as it didn’t jam printers/copiers
There were several comments that the recycled paper looked “dirty” and that was why it wasn’t being used
Thomas will talk to printing services to see what other %s of recycled paper are available
Test runs will happen to find the highest content that doesn’t jam
At the next meeting the committee will decide whether or not to recommend that the standard be the recycled option (offices could get other paper by specifically requesting those types)
The idea of running a testimonial (re: not jamming) in Currently at Carleton was brought up
Thomas will bring samples of the different papers to the next meeting for comparisons (color, feel, etc…)
Long reported that the bookstore is being checked, he will have more info at the next meeting
3) Purchasing policy discussion
The committee discussed the language drafted by Long
It was agreed the language was pretty straightforward and several minor changes were suggested
Long met with Randy Johnson to discuss how the language could be adopted
While other colleges have centralized purchasing, that is not Carleton’s system
This makes implementation more difficult
Within facilities implementation should not be difficult since many of the criteria are being met already
For departments and offices, orders are largely placed through two suppliers: Corporate Express and Innovative Office Solutions
C.E. currently labels environmentally friendly products with a “green tag”
I.O.S. does not have a system like this
It was discussed going through the I.O.S. catalog and compiling a recommended products list to facilitate green purchasing
Thomas will inquire as to how recommendations should be made
There was brief discussion of targeting art products and chemicals for green purchasing