Time: 8:00 am
Present Dennis Easley, Ben Lum, Jamie Long, Phil Camill, Miako Ushio, Dale Jamieson, Julie Klassen,
Absent Rich Strong, Wayne Beierman
Secretary: Jason Mulvihill-Kuntz
New Business:
Tree-Free Campaign
Dan Shinn-Krantz, a student representative from MPIRG, presented the status of the tree-free campaign that was initiated last year to the committee.
– He indicated that 100% recycled paper is being used in all public copy machines. In addition, only the library printers are currently using 100% recycled paper, several departments are using 30% recycled paper, and other offices and departments are still using virgin paper.
– He was not sure why there was such a discrepancy between the amount of recycled paper (and the recycled content of that paper) used in copiers as opposed to printers.
- He indicated two main reasons why some offices were rejecting recycled paper: (1) the paper has a tendency to curl, which jams machines, (2) the paper does not look as nice as virgin paper
– The organizers of the campaign are now attempting to try and get offices to use more recycled paper.
- It was suggested that they follow up on the places that are currently using 100% recycled paper as an example of successful usage of 100% recycled paper.
- Also, it was recognized that this is not a centralized decision and is presently being employed only on a voluntary basis. Therefore, pressure from the EAC and Alumni could be a potential means of encouraging the use of 100 recycled paper.
- Members of the committee pledged to try and make sure that their respective departments are using 100% recycled paper.
- Discussion about notifying departments about using recycled paper (get information from printing services and a potential project for a group of interested students to present the information at department meetings
Goals and Focus for EAC
Jason Mulvihill-Kuntz (Secretary) and Jamie Long (Student Chair) presented their drafted ideas about the appropriate goals and focus for the committee:
- To discuss environmental issues of direct impact and importance to the college
- To discuss and advise on college plans for building, landscaping, and construction
- To serve as a forum for student concern about environmental issues relating to the college
- To incorporate sustainable and environmental considerations into future plans for college development and growth
– It was indicated that the connections to students (conduit for student concern) was an important part of the committee’s focus.
– Some minor amendments of language were made
Motion: Jamie Long moves to pass Goals and Focus for the Carleton College Environmental Advisory Committee. Julie Klassen seconded the motion.
Action: action was passed by the committee
Environmental Statement of Principles
Discussion about the status of the Environmental Statement of Principles
– Question about whether the Board of Trustees had passed the Statement of Principles
- Dennis Easley explained that he understands that it was passed by the buildings and grounds committee of the Board of Trustees
– Committee supports the effort to follow up on getting the Environmental Statement of Principles passed, put in the course catalogue, and made a binding college policy.
- Suggestion to present the Environmental Statement of Principles to the College Council, citing the recent Chronicle Review article that ranks Carleton as one of the top 11 “greenest” campuses.
– Jamie Long (Student Chair) and Jason Mulvihill-Kuntz (Secretary) will work to get the Environmental Statement of Principles to be a binding statement by the college.
EAC Advising Other Campus Committees or Departments
Discussion about whether or not the EAC should be informed of college actions or plans (other than facilities, maintenance, and grounds) that involve environmental issues
– Committee wants to request that they be informed by the Arb Committee of projects and plans in the Arb that involve environmental issues or concerns.
– Phil Camill agreed to notify Steve Kelly (who oversees the Arb Committee) of the EAC’s desire to be informed about Arb plans and projects, as well as potentially serving as an advising body for the Arb Committee and managers.
– Point was made that if the function of the EAC is to advise the college, then the EAC should advise on college-wide environmental issues.
- This may include receiving all environmental impact statements
- Ideas and decisions should be filtered through EAC, so that the committee can fulfill its function
– One concern is that many people do not know of the EAC’s existence. Therefore, the committee plans to contact various organizations and other committees about its existence and function as an advisory committee on environmental issues.
– Jason Mulvihill-Kuntz (Secretary) and Jamie Long (Student Chair) will draft a letter to the Arb Committee, explaining the role and function of the EAC, and its desire to partake in discussions about plans and projects that involve environmental considerations.
Composting Update
Miako Ushio presented follow up information on the status of composting at the townhouses and farmhouse’s involvement.
– Several townhouses already have buckets, and there is a container in the townhouse area. Farmhouse is presumably picking up the compost at the present time.
– Dennis Easley indicated that grounds would be willing to take excess organic material from a residential (dorm) composting system.
- Potential to hire a student worker for pick-up and empty job
- Would like more information on biodegradable bags for containers
Other Business
– Phil Camill will wait until next meeting to present on alternative energy and heat sources.
– Richard Strong is currently looking into wind power as a possible energy source for the college.
Meeting Adjourned 9:00am