Time: 8:00 am
Present Wayne Beierman, Dale Jamieson, Dennis Easley, Jamie Long, Julie Klassen, Phil Camill, Ben Lum
Absent Richard Strong, Miako Ushio
Secretary: Jason Mulvihill-Kuntz
New Business:
– The letter to the planning committee of the new art gallery was sent in, and the committee has had their first meeting
– Mark McKone was receptive about briefing the EAC about current and future Arb projects, and will plan on making a presentation spring term
– Jamie Long (Student Co-Chair) and Jason Mulvihill-Kuntz (Secretary) will meet with Dean Steve Kelly to talk about creating an informational pamphlet about the environmental projects, goals, and policy of the college.
- Jamie Long will also talk with President Steve Lewis about the Environmental Statement of Principles
– This is Jamie Long’s last meeting as Student Co-Chair; Laura Hmelo will take over as Student Co-Chair next term (winter)
Kyoto Protocol at Carleton
– Richard Strong presented the results of the data collected concerning energy use at Carleton at the Midwest Green Campus Workshop at the Univ. of Minnesota on 11/3
– The data (btu measurements) were normalized by degree-day and square foot.
- From 1990-2000, the college has experienced a 20% increase in square footage, a 39% increase in btu output, and a 7% increase in degree days
– Idea was proposed to look at how the energy use (btu) falls out per capita; would help to promote understanding and responsibility, and serve as a basis for comparison with other institutions.
– There is only one electrical meter for all of campus
- Suggested that college should put energy meters in all buildings on campus – expensive, so may have to pick and choose which buildings to put them in
– There was a total increase of 7% btu/degree day/ square foot
- Square foot decrease required to meet Kyoto Protocol specifications would be a building the size of the library.
- Need to decrease 12% of energy use to meet those specifications
1) Input end: what types of energy? – purchase green/renewable energy
2) Reduce use and make use more efficient on campus
- Cornell University plans to reduce their energy output by 7% lower than 1990 levels by 2004
– Need to focus on carbon emissions and compare them to normal U.S. carbon emissions (U.S. increase of 12% compared to Carleton increase of 39%)
- Suggested that we should not focus on square footage, since Kyoto Protocol does not call for square foot measurements – does look at net emissions…therefore, we should be concerned with totals, not specifics if we are interested in meeting the Kyoto Protocol
– Need to create and develop a portfolio of strategies to reduce energy consumption
– Could take into consideration carbon accounting, which would look at emissions and carbon sinks (such as Arb restorations)
– Consultant is looking at energy use for college, and expects to have results by early December
- Looking at types of buildings (sources of energy use)
- Opportunity to conduct a full account of carbon emissions and pollution sources of the college
– Univ. of Pennsylvania purchased largest purchase of renewable energy in U.S. history, when they bought 75% of the power produced by local wind farm
- Could have potential for this sort of action here in Northfield as the RENew Northfield organization continues to push for local wind power here in Northfield
Green Campus Workshop Subjects
– Wayne provided information about what college does to conserve energy
- Idea of retrofitting buildings was brought up – expensive, and the pay back periods are unsure and sometimes lengthy
- Time to replace boiler for college – chance to look at the cost-benefit analysis of alternatives such as geothermal heating and solarwall technology
- Recognized that moving to non-centralized heating and cooling systems requires responsible use and understanding
- Suggested that facilities have a student information session to promote an understanding of heating and cooling systems
- Could put this information in environmental information pamphlet
– Plan for college (20 years out) – Master plan of sorts
- Interest in having EAC be involved in process of creating plan, in order to have environmental considerations put in place
- Input sustainable design considerations into construction design guide for college
- Put ideas on paper (need specific figures) for consideration in design processes
- Importance of using the Minnesota Sustainable Design Guide in planning stages, not as a retroactive evaluation of design
- Next building should emphasize considerations that we want
- Student housing, space for ENTS Program
- Talk to Richard Strong about getting environmental and sustainable design considerations put into design guidelines for college construction and development projects
- Should make an official request to be involved in planning process for creating “master” plan for college
- Jamie Long and Jason Mulvihill-Kuntz will talk to Dean Kelly about what direction that request should take
– Dennis Easley (Head of Grounds) provided information about parking at Carleton that indicated some possible year-to-year trends and estimates
Meeting Adjourned 9:30am