Time: 8:30 am
Present Dennis Easley, Phil Camill, Laura Hmelo, Wayne Beierman, Jamie Long, Julie Klassen
Absent Richard Strong, Ben Lum -3rd faculty member?
Secretary: Jason Mulvihill-Kuntz
New Business:
Green Energy
– Discussion of student presentation on potential green energy options for Carleton from previous EAC meeting (3/4/02)
– Possibility of adding a student fee, which would be matched by the college, to purchase green/renewable energy
· How to implement? Top-down & Bottom-up approach, involving several interests, such as facilities, student support, Barbara Johnson, CSA, College Council, etc.
· Conduct hypothetical estimates to determine how much efforts would save the college
· Would require good support and advertising
– Potential to link energy conservation efforts with the purchase of green energy
· Money saved through conservation could go towards purchasing a larger % of green energy
XCel Energy Green Purchasing Program
– College purchasing 10% renewable energy would cost $30,000 = $20/student
– College purchasing 5% renewable energy would cost $15,000 = $10/student
– Renewable energy would cost 2 cents more per kilo-watt hour
– A feasibility study will need to be conducted to determine what the college can do in terms of energy conservation as well as purchasing renewable energy
– Conservation will require behavior modification within the community as well as engineering changes within facilities
Farm House / Watson House Future
– Dean Mark Govoni and Richard Strong (EAC member and Director of Facilities) will head up information and planning meetings for those interested in the future development or renovations to Farm House and/or Watson House.
· Expressed interest in having the EAC remain an active participant in the discussions in the hopes of promoting and ensuring sustainable/environmental design
Compost Project
– Areas of highest use:
· Chaney House, Watson House, and Dacie Moses House for a total of 400 lbs picked up (not really cost-effective at this stage, but only first few weeks of program)
· Need for more advertising to encourage use of the compost containers
Meeting Adjourned 9:30am