Time: 9:00 am

Present Phil Camill, Laila Parker, Richard Strong, Laura Hmelo, Dennis Easley, Wayne Beierman, Julie Klassen, Max Wilson

Absent Ben Lum

Secretary: Max Wilson

New Business

Recycling Printer Cartridges

the bookstore currently collects printer ink cartridges and returns them to be recycled

– it was decided that the EAC should work to publicize this

— NNB ~ Laila

— Carletonian ~ Max

— study break?

– it was also determined that the EAC should look into the possibility of joining a program which pays for these cartridges

it was suggested that ITS be contacted concerning the recycling of faculty printer ink cartridges


An update on the project trying to increase the mug use at the snack bar through giving out free mugs to freshman and increasing the price differential for mug users and non-mug users

The project dovetails the Library’s Integrated Pest Management Program

Free mugs for freshman

– its estimated that mugs for each incoming class will cost about $1000 with some printing

– funding sources were discussed ~ CAO, Library, Alumni Annual Fund, CSA, businesses

Price differential in beverage cost

– the general sense is that the snack bar can change prices as long as profits aren’t disturbed

– probably shooting for 25 cent difference

– must determine how profits from this differential will be used

— to fund a reduced price of mugs at the snack bar

— to fund the purchase of mugs for the incoming classes

— something with more “sex appeal” so that people paying the difference will feel that their money will go toward something worthwhile like buying habitat etc.

Encouraging mug use

– a large publicity campaign will be integral to make the mugs and the prices accepted

– getting buy in for town businesses seen as a possible avenue (Hogan Bros., Bagel Bros.) also a possible source of revenue

Composting at Marriott

Student independent project examined this issue http://www.student.carleton.edu/M/meyerk/index.html

currently food waste is flushed to the water treatment plant

– waste from plant used to fertilize fields after its treated

– water use one of the primary concerns here

– currently this option is cheapest although sewage rates are expected to rise 200% in the near future

Endress processing seems like the most financially viable option for composting

– financially comparable to land filling

– issues of food storage and vermin must be addressed

– Wayne Beierman will contact Endress

Carleton considered joining St. Olaf’s composting plant project but determined it to be too costly

Buildings and Budgets would have to approve any plan

Local Products at Marriott

It was suggested that Marriott should make an effort to increase the use of locally produced food

– Malt-O-Meal

-fruit and produce (Fireside Apples)

Some students are currently off-board because they take issue with some of the social justice problems that the current supplier faces

One impediment to using local suppliers and food is that they do not have large enough insurance policies to meet Marriott’s requirements

– student Katja Meyer did a project with this and will be contacted by Max

Suggested that the suppliers be asked to document from where (geographically) the food comes

Also suggested we look at whether we could go through some of the larger local suppliers (warehouses) that might have sufficient insurance to meet Marriott’s needs

Dennis Easley suggested we look at Hendrix College in Arkansas which has set up a system with local farmers to provide a substantial portion of the food

Mission Statement

In developing an environmental mission statement for the college it was decided that we should hold an all campus forum asking for suggestions and input into models presented at the forum cosponsor the forum with CSA hold the forum in the first few weeks of winter term

Richard Strong said that he would try to test the trustee’s commitment to sustainability and the environment

Make it a goal to try to get the mission statement into the next college catalog

suggested that we should begin to think about how it would fit with the current mission statement

Meeting Adjourned