Environmental Statement of Principles
Carleton College recognizes that it exists as part of interconnected communities that are impacted by personal and institutional choices. We are dedicated to investigating and promoting awareness of the current and future impacts of our actions in order to foster responsibility for these human and natural communities. Carleton strives to be a model of stewardship for the environment by incorporating ideals of sustainability into the operations of the College and the daily life of individuals.
Endorsed by the Board of Trustees, Building and Grounds Committee, 18 May 2001
Carbon Neutrality Value Statement
Carleton College recognizes that global warming is one of the greatest local and global challenges of our time. The College values the goal of carbon neutrality as a priority for our community, recognizing that this goal merits the consideration of allocation of resources to research and implement technological and behavioral change. The College commits to developing a framework to reduce greenhouse gas emissions with the input of students, staff and faculty. In doing so, Carleton reaffirms its commitment to sustainability as articulated in the Environmental Statement of Principles.
Approved by the Environmental Advisory Committee, April 18, 2006
Amended and approved by Administrative Council, May 9, 2006
Approved by College Council, May 15, 2006
Mission of the EAC
The Environmental Advisory Committee is a standing College committee dedicated to upholding the Environmental Statement of Principles and the Carbon Neutrality Value Statements at Carleton College, ensuring that these visions and ideals are incorporated into all aspects of College function.
- Students (4): Four students shall serve as voting members of the Committee, one of whom shall be a member of the CSA senate. In addition to these four students, a sustainability assistant will assume the position of Secretary of the Committee. Interested students shall apply to the CSA for these positions early in fall. The CSA will be responsible for appointing all four voting student positions, in consultation with the EAC chair.
- Faculty (3): Three faculty shall serve as voting members of the Committee, one of whom shall be the Director of the Environmental and Technology Studies Program. The Faculty Affairs Committee appoints the two other faculty members for two-year terms.
- Staff (3): Three members of the College staff shall serve as voting members of the Committee, one of whom shall be the Manager of Campus Energy and Sustainability. The other two members are appointed by the Vice President and Treasurer of the College.
- Chair and Vice-Chair: The Committee will be chaired by the Manager of Campus Energy and Sustainability and the ENTS Director will serve as vice-chair. The chairs will send draft meeting agendas in advance for input from other members of the committee.
- Strive to incorporate sustainability into all aspects of the College, including current and future plans for campus buildings, landscaping, and construction.
- Ensure that the campus is working towards accomplishing the objectives of the Presidents Climate Commitment, including but not limited to:
- Develop and maintain an annual greenhouse gas emissions inventory
- Manage and monitor implementation of the Climate Action Plan
- Propose specific projects that will reduce the College’s greenhouse gas emissions
- Monitor and support measures to integrate sustainability into the curriculum
- Coordinate the Sustainability Revolving Fund and advise the Sustainability Revolving Fund as a sub-committee of the EAC
- Serve as a forum for campus discussion and innovation regarding sustainability at Carleton
- Coordinate and prioritize sustainability projects, in conjunction with students and classes, with environmental organizations on campus, and with the greater Northfield community.
- Coordinate the application process and select winners for the annual Stewsie Sustainability Awards
The EAC will meet regularly during the term. These meetings will always be publicized and open to the public. The EAC will form subcommittees and task forces as necessary to accomplish specific EAC goals. Approval of an action will be decided by a majority vote of members. A quorum of five (5) voting members is required for a vote to be taken.
The EAC chair and vice-chair will meet regularly with the Vice-President and Treasurer of the College to help facilitate and incorporate sustainability values and practices into our community. Furthermore, twice a year (once in the Fall and once in the Spring), the EAC chair and vice-chair will report to the President of the College, updating the President on Committee progress on the Presidents Climate Commitment.
Among the responsibilities of the EAC are coordination and prioritization of sustainability projects, in conjunction with students, classes, on-campus environmental organizations and the greater Northfield community, and maintaining and updating the College sustainability website.
The EAC will prepare an annual report of its activities during each academic year which will be made available on the EAC website. Additionally, the EAC will be responsible for reviewing the EAC charter as needed, and proposing any changes deemed necessary to appropriate governing bodies. Approval of substantive revisions to the charter requires a simple majority of eligible voting EAC members.
The EAC is allocated an annual budget and a student-worker budget for the Sustainability Assistant positions. The annual budget will be used only for projects and initiatives related to the functions of the Committee, and expenditures of funds greater than $100 must be approved by a majority vote of eligible voting members of the EAC. A quorum of five voting members is required for a vote to be taken. The Manager of Campus Energy and Sustainability and the Director of ENTS will manage the EAC’s budget and give periodic updates on the status of the budget as well as report any activity of the budget.
All sustainability proposals approved by the Sustainability Revolving Fund subcommittee are subject to final approval by the EAC. Approval by the EAC requires consensus of the EAC chair and vice-chair, who may elect to bring SRF projects to the EAC for discussion.
Revised and approved October 28, 2012 by the Environmental Advisory Committee
Revised and approved October 7, 2009 by the Environmental Advisory Committee