The main objective of the CF&PC review is to ensure proper coordination and scheduling between the various constituencies involved in projects including both academic and administrative areas, confirmation of the approved funding sources, and alignment with College Strategic and Facilities Master Plans. Subject to President’s Cabinet and the Board of Trustees approval, the Capital Funding and Planning Committee (CF&PC) has oversight responsibility for all College capital projects that affect campus buildings and grounds.
All capital projects are reviewed by CF&PC before moving forward, regardless of the funding source. A capital project is defined as any improvement or change to campus buildings or grounds that exceeds $25,000. This does not include normal maintenance and operating expenditures. Projects over $100,000 must be approved by President’s Cabinet. Projects over $3,000,000 must also be approved by the Board of Trustees. Certain capital project requests may require approval based on other special considerations or circumstances other than dollar amount (real estate acquisition, the use of debt financing, space utilization, etc.).
Capital Requests
CF&PC is not a funding source for projects and does not have a budget to allocate towards capital projects. Divisions requesting approval of a capital project must identify the funding source or follow one of the options listed below. Capital project requests requiring fundraising or involvement of the Development Office must first be submitted to CF&PC for review before any fundraising efforts begin. Additional approvals may be required depending on the source of funding as required by other campus policies that may be outside the scope of CF&PC.
Capital project requests can be made in a number of ways:
- A Facilities Change Request is an annual process where departments can request funding to partner with Facilities to enhance campus buildings and grounds. Departments may request capital projects up to $50,000 and may request funding up to $30,000 from Facilities for each project. Departments may also submit capital projects solely being funded by the department. CF&PC’s role is to assist in prioritizing and awarding funding requests and to approve capital project requests, including those funded by departments. The Facilities Change Request process occurs in the late fall.
- Capital projects exceeding $50,000 can be requested through consultation with a department’s respective Vice President as part of the College annual budget request process. CF&PC will review these requests and forward to President’s Cabinet as appropriate. Departments should identify the rationale for the project as well as potential funding sources. A large capital project and funding request will need to fit within the College’s strategic and financial plan before it can move forward.
- Capital project requests with a funding plan may be made at any time throughout the year for CF&PC consideration. Requests must have approval from the respective Vice President in order to proceed through the review and approval process.
All planning studies involving architectural or engineering services that could lead to a capital project request, regardless of cost, must be approved by CF&PC prior to beginning the study.
CF&PC will review the annual Facilities department capital work plan for the next fiscal year and the updated five-year plan. The annual Facilities plan will be further reviewed by President’s Cabinet, College Council, and the Building and Grounds Committee of the Board before being presented to the Board of Trustees as an information item.
Space Requests
Requests for changes in space assignments are initiated with the Facilities Department and are reviewed by CF&PC. Additional approvals may be required depending on the scope of the request. Approval of reassignments or office moves may not include funding.
The CF&PC will include the following individuals by position:
- Provost & Vice President of Academic Affairs
- Vice President for External Relations
- Vice President and Treasurer
- Vice President for Student Life
- Associate Vice President of Facilities and Capital Planning
- Director of Information Technology
- Budget Director
- Associate Provost in charge of academic budgets
- President of the Faculty
The VP and Treasurer will chair the Committee. The Associate Vice President of Facilities and Capital Planning will serve as staff to the committee to coordinate and prepare agenda topics and materials, and the Assistant to the Director of Facilities will serve as secretary to the Committee.
Meeting Schedule
The CF&PC will plan to meet monthly with an agenda distributed in advance. President’s Cabinet will also receive a copy of the meeting agenda and minutes.