
The mission of the Arboretum Committee is to provide guidance on program planning and implementation to the Arboretum staff.  The committee also provides policy recommendations to the Den of the College and higher-level administration.


The committee is comprised of two or more faculty and four staff. 

Faculty: One or more faculty members are appointed by the Faculty Affairs Committee (FAC) to serve two –year terms; the other faculty serves ex officio in the role of Arboretum Research Supervisor.

Staff: Four staff members serve on the committee. Three serve ex officio [Arboretum Director; Arboretum Manager, Grounds Manager].  The forth is a Physical Education, Athletics, and Recreation (PEAR) Representative, appointed by that department.

Students: None

Preferred Skills or Experience for Committee Members:

A willingness to learn about the Arboretum and a desire to help integrate it into academic and campus life.

Committee Work

The committee meets once per term as needed and as determined by the convener. The Arboretum Director serves as the chair and convener of the committee.  The chair develops an agenda in consultation with the Dean of the College, or on recommendations brought forth by committee members.  The committee reports its work to the Dean of the College.

The committee communicates its work through the Arboretum staff, who provide campus updates via the Arboretum website, employee newsletters, the Carletonian, all-campus emails and an annual report, generally prepared during winter term.  The committee also provides regular updates to the Provost.