The Admission and Financial Aid Committee (AFAC) is a college-wide committee dedicated to issues and policies concerning admissions and financial aid While AFAC may provide advice or reflection to admissions or financial aid, it is not solely advisory. It is a policy-setting body for Admissions and Financial Aid. The committee reports to College Council.
Faculty: Three faculty serve this committee, each appointed by the Faculty Affairs Committee, for a three-year term. This committee is chaired by a faculty member.
Staff: Four staff members serve this committee in an ex officio capacity. They include the Vice President and Dean of Admissions, the Director of Student Financial Services, the Budget Director and the Director of Institutional Research and Assessment.
Students: Three students serve on this committee and are selected by the Carleton Student Association. One senate liaison is elected and two student-at-large positions are appointed each spring to serve during the upcoming academic year.
Committee Work
The committee:
- May serve in an advisory capacity, providing feedback to Admissions and Financial Aid about the implementation of policies or addressing of particular issues;
- May serve in a policy-making capacity, taking up proposals from any committee members on issues pertaining to Admissions and Financial Aid, holding discussions about these issues, and approving (or revoking) policies when they are the jurisdiction of another body;
- Will report about its business to the faculty and soliciting faculty input when appropriate.