In the case of a single incident involving multiple students, you may submit this form once, listing each student you suspect has violated the academic integrity policy. The ASC Academic Integrity Subcommittee, represented by an Associate Provost and an Associate Dean of Students, will review each case.


  • Please do NOT grade or return the work that is in question until you are notified by the ASC of the finding.
  • You may grade and return the assignments or exams to the rest of the class.
  • Refer the students to the Dean of Students Office if they have any questions.
  • If you have questions, please contact the Office of the Provost.
  • If you are having difficulty submitting this form, please contact the Dean of Students Office or the Office of the Provost. (Note: some file types — e.g., Python or R code — may not be accepted by the form, but you should be able to upload a ZIP file.)

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