Requirements for the Cognitive Science Major
*CGSC 391/392 is now CGSC 399!*
Total credits required for the major: 70
Required courses: 46 credits
- Note: Prior to beginning the comps sequence, majors must have completed CGSC 130, CGSC/PSYC 232/233 and PSYC 200/201
- CGSC 130: Revolutions in Mind
- CGSC 130: Revolutions in Mind
- CGSC 130: What Minds Are What They Do
- CGSC 232: Cognitive Processes
- CGSC 233: Laboratory in Cognitive Processes
- CGSC 396: Directed Research in Cognitive Studies
- CGSC 399: Senior Thesis in Cognitive Science
- CGSC 400: Integrative Exercise
- CS 111: Introduction to Computer Science
- LING 115: Introduction to the Theory of Syntax
- PHIL 210: Logic
- PSYC 200: Measurement and Data Analysis in Psychology
- PSYC 201: Measurement and Data Analysis Lab
- PSYC 232: Cognitive Processes
- PSYC 233: Laboratory in Cognitive Processes
Elective Courses: 24 credits from the following list. At least two must be a 300-level course. To ensure sufficient interdisciplinarity, no more than four courses may be taken from any one department or program.
- BIOL 365: Seminar: Topics in Neuroscience
- BIOL 368: Seminar: Developmental Neurobiology · not offered in 2024-25
- BIOL 379: Seminar: Behavioral Genetics · not offered in 2024-25
- BIOL 386: Neurobiology · not offered in 2024-25
- CGSC 100: Living with Artificial Intelligence
- CGSC 236: Thinking, Reasoning, and Decision Making · not offered in 2024-25
- CGSC 253: Philosophy of Cognitive Science · not offered in 2024-25
- CGSC 330: Embodied Cognition
- CGSC 336: Moral Thinking, Reasoning, and Decision Making · not offered in 2024-25
- CGSC 340: Phenomenology and Cognitive Science · not offered in 2024-25
- CGSC 382: Cognitive Development in Children and Adolescents · not offered in 2024-25
- CS 254: Computability and Complexity
- CS 314: Data Visualization
- CS 320: Machine Learning
- CS 321: Making Decisions with Artificial Intelligence
- CS 322: Natural Language Processing
- CS 344: Human-Computer Interaction
- CS 361: Artificial Life and Digital Evolution
- ECON 265: Game Theory and Economic Applications
- ECON 267: Behavioral Economics
- ECON 395: Adv. Topics in Economics · not offered in 2024-25
- EDUC 234: Educational Psychology
- IDSC 250: Color!
- LING 117: Sociophonetics · not offered in 2024-25
- LING 150: From Esperanto to Dothraki: The Linguistics of Invented Languages · not offered in 2024-25
- LING 216: Generative Approaches to Syntax
- LING 217: Phonetics and Phonology
- LING 219: Sociophonetic Analysis
- LING 240: Semantics and Pragmatics · not offered in 2024-25
- LING 275: First Language Acquisition · not offered in 2024-25
- LING 276: Bilingualism & Code-Switching · not offered in 2024-25
- LING 315: Topics in Syntax
- LING 316: Topics in Morphology · not offered in 2024-25
- LING 317: Topics in Phonology · not offered in 2024-25
- LING 325: Syntax of an Unfamiliar Language · not offered in 2024-25
- LING 340: Topics in Semantics · not offered in 2024-25
- LING 375: Second Language Acquisition: Speech · not offered in 2024-25
- MUSC 227: Perception and Cognition of Music
- NEUR 127: Foundations in Neuroscience and Lab
- PHIL 116: Sensation, Induction, Abduction, Deduction, Seduction
- PHIL 203: Bias, Belief, Community, Emotion · not offered in 2024-25
- PHIL 217: Reason in Context: Limitations and Possibilities · not offered in 2024-25
- PHIL 223: Philosophy of Language · not offered in 2024-25
- PHIL 225: Philosophy of Mind · not offered in 2024-25
- PHIL 257: Contemporary Issues in Feminist Philosophy
- PHIL 272: Early Modern Philosophy: Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Philosophy · not offered in 2024-25
- PHIL 287: Conspiracy Theories and Dogmatism · not offered in 2024-25
- PHIL 297: Kant’s Philosophy of Mind · not offered in 2024-25
- PHIL 303: Bias, Belief, Community, Emotion · not offered in 2024-25
- PHIL 373: Reptiles and Demons · not offered in 2024-25
- PSYC 216: Behavioral Neuroscience
- PSYC 220: Sensation and Perception
- PSYC 234: Psychology of Language
- PSYC 238: Memory Processes · not offered in 2024-25
- PSYC 250: Developmental Psychology · not offered in 2024-25
- PSYC 258: Social Cognition · not offered in 2024-25
- PSYC 267: Clinical Neuroscience · not offered in 2024-25
- PSYC 366: Cognitive Neuroscience · not offered in 2024-25
- PSYC 367: Neuropsychology of Aging
- PSYC 371: Evolutionary and Developmental Trends in Cognition · not offered in 2024-25
- PSYC 375: Language and Deception · not offered in 2024-25
- RELG 270: Philosophy of Religion · not offered in 2024-25