Nov 12
Classics Senior Symposium on Classical Myth
Please join us for the presentation of student research from this year's Senior Seminar on Classical Myth. The fun begins at 1:00 in Weitz 236 and consists of three paper sessions. Details below -- hope to see you there!
NB: Session start times are exact; the start of each paper within the session may vary from the suggested time.
1:00-2:10 Session 1: Myth and Sex
Elena Cebulash (1:05): Pattern-building and Pattern-Breaking: Examining Sex in Hesiod’s Theogony
Lily Haas (1:25): Goddess-Mortal Relationships
Abby Ignasiak (1:45): Daddy’s Little Boy Ain’t a Girl No More: Sex Transformations and the Ambiguity of Gender in Classical Myth
2:25-3:35 Session 2: Myth, Family and State
Ellen Schlick (2:25): Cornelia and her jewels: Mythologizing Virtuous Maternal Grief
Shakeal Hodge (2:50): Brothers Mortal and Divine
Bee Candelaria (3:15): Saturno Rege: The Saturnalia, The Golden Age, and The Slave
3:50-5:30 Session 3: Mythic Transformations
Emma McArthur-Warner (3:50): Visions of Disembodiment in Homer and Plato
Jake Oberg (4:15): There is No Escape: Orpheus and Eurydice in Supergiant's Hades
Becca Helmstetter (4:40): “A Wrinkled Tale”: Truth and Lust in Fulgentius’ Mythologies
Noah Eckersley-Ray (5:05): Athena in Epic and Tragedy: From Warrior to Judge
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