American Chemical Society Journals
Click on “Journals and Magazines” for the list of all ACS Journals, and proceed directly to the journal of interest, or click on “Search the Journals” to do basic searches on all of the ACS Journals.

Web of Knowledge
Access to the Web of Science (citation indexes) and to current contents connect.

SciFinder Scholar
Carleton has a license for this very powerful search tool offered by the Chemical Abstracts Service of the American Chemical Society. This link takes you to a library information page on the search tool. It is available for use on computers in Mudd Hall and the Library.

The NIST Chemistry Webbook
Lots of useful chemical information, including formulae, structures, thermodynamic data, and spectra (MS, IR, etc.).

Spectral Database of Organic Compounds, SDBS
An extremely useful spectral database with information on thousands of organic compounds. Here you’ll find mass spectra, proton and carbon NMR spectra, IR spectra, and even some ESR spectra of selected organic radicals.

Wolfram Alpha
An extremely useful site for quick calculations plus they have many useful chemistry related computational tools and a chemical database.

A fantastic online periodic table!