Student Research at Another Institution (Kolenkow-Reitz Fellowship)

18 January 2022

Application DeadlineTuesday, March 29, 2022, 5:00 PM

Submitted by: Students

What: The Kolenkow-Reitz fellowship provides research support for Carleton students working with non-Carleton science and math faculty at another institution during the summer. These research opportunities are intended to encourage Carleton students’ development as scientists and their exploration of mathematics and the sciences as a possible career. Awards fund student stipends ($500/week for full time work) for up to 10 weeks during summer break. Additional expenses up to $500 can be requested to help defray travel or research supply expenses. Note that students must work full time in order to qualify.  

Who: Carleton students are eligible to apply for this funding. Before applying, students should have already contacted and discussed the nature and timing of their project with the person they are planning to work with as well as a faculty member at Carleton who can vouch for the project and its alignment with their professional development goals. Because the intent of the fellowship is exploration in STEM fields, priority is given to students who have completed coursework related to the proposed research, but who have not yet had a significant funded research experience (7 or more weeks). Please note that students previously supported through the Kolenkow-Reitz Fund (winter break or summer) are less likely to receive funding, but are still eligible to apply. The Career Center also offers internship funding that can, in some cases, be applied to research experiences in STEM.

More details are available in the application form.