The Chemistry and Physics departments will be conducting required training for student workers who will be supporting courses this fall. The training is in two parts: a Moodle portion and an in-person portion. Both portions of training are required even for student workers who have participated in the past.
Moodle Portion: You can find the Moodle portion called Physics and Astronomy & Chemistry Department’s Student Worker Training on your Moodle Dashboard under Non-course sites. This portion of the training should take 1–2 hours to finish and must be completed by Monday, September 16 (or before you begin work for the department, whichever comes first).
In-Person Portion: The in-person portion of the training will occur on Wednesday, September 18 in Olin 141 during 6a (3:10–4:20 p.m.). You will be paid for the time spent on both the Moodle and in-person portions of the training since they are both required for your job. So please keep track of the time you spend on the Moodle portion in particular. We will verify Moodle training completion and in-person meeting attendance prior to approving your first time card submission.
For additional information, please see the email sent from Chris Calderone on September 9th. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to contact either Chris Calderone (ccalderone) or Peggy Pfister (ppfister).