Are you interested in conducting research in chemistry?
The Chemistry Summer Undergraduate Research Program (CSURP) provides an opportunity for undergraduate students with an interest in the chemical sciences to conduct research with a faculty mentor within one of the Center for Selective C-H Functionalization (CCHF) 15 partner research laboratories across the country. Students from underrepresented and underserved groups in chemistry are highly encouraged to apply.
During the 10-week research program you will:
- Engage in innovative, cutting edge research
- Interact with prominent leaders in the field
- Receive a competitive stipend (up to $5,000)
- Receive campus housing or a housing allowance
- Attend seminars, workshops, career planning sessions and other professional development opportunities
Program Dates: mid May – mid August (program dates vary by location)
Application Deadline: February 8 (annually)
For the application, visit