Program: The University of Cincinnati Chemistry Department seeks applicants for an NSF-funded summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program in 2020. The students will learn about real-life challenges that scientists are currently addressing, such as “Data Science for Big Data in Chemistry” and “Sustainable Chemistry”, while joining research teams that preform high-impact innovative research in broadly related fields. Students who have completed their freshman year of college and who have not yet graduated are encouraged to apply. Student participants will receive a $6,000 stipend, a housing and meal plan, and travel assistance.
Eligibility: Undergraduate student participants must have completed their freshmen year of college but not yet graduated, and must be citizens or permanent residents of the United States or its possessions. Underrepresented groups in science are strongly encouraged to apply, including minorities, women, and first-generation college students.
Key Dates and Deadlines:
03/05/2020: Applications due
05/26/2019: Program begins
07/31/2019: Program concludes
For more information on the research projects and how to apply, see
The highlight of our past program can be found here