Kennyi Aouad, Reina Desrouleaux, Teddy Donnell, Clare Leahy, Calvin Phan, Eli Ruffer, Emily Tonogai, Sarah Wang, Alec Winter – Drennan Group
Wednesday, April 26th, 2017 at 3:30 pm in Boliou 104
“Photoelectrochemical Energy Conversion on Earth and Mars”
Friday, April 21st, 2017
3:30 p.m. in Olin 149 -
Periodic Table meets this week
There will not be a Journal Club this week.
Thursday, April 20th, 2017
12:00 – 1:00 pm / LDCPeriodic Table will meet at noon in the chemistry hallway and walk over together, or you can join us there. If you are off board, the department will cover your lunch. Note: We do not have a dining room reserved this week.
Lunch with Seminar Speaker – Dr. Parkinson
Lunch with this week’s seminar speaker will be Friday, April 21st, 2017 12-1 p.m., in the LDC. Meet in the hallway outside Mudd 169. If you are off board, the department will cover your lunch. I have reserved the “Class of ’51 dining room” for lunch today.
Summer 2017 Employment Opportunities – Instructor and Teaching Assistant