Apr 12
Chemistry Department Seminar: Student Comps Presentation
Wed, April 12, 2023
• 5:00pm
- 6:00pm (1h) • Olin 149
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"Detecting Diseases: Three Remarkable Biosensors"
Sensing the presence or absence of disease is the foundation upon which modern medicine is built. However, this process is often complicated; requiring specialized technicians, time, and resource-intensive assays. Much of Dr. Shana Kelley's work has focused on streamlining this process. Here, we present three biosensors used to simplify the detection of mitochondrial disease, metastasizing cancer, and HIV. Join us to learn more about how fluorescence, magnetism, and electrochemistry are used to make diagnostic measurements.
By Eledon Beyene, Connor Grayzel, Ellie Vandel, Seraphel Grosser, Meredith Klay, Michael Berler, Tatiana Jimenez, Noah Mueller & Weiland Wang - Kelley group presentation
*This seminar counts towards the chemistry major seminar attendance requirement for all majors not doing comps this year.
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Meeting ID: 919 7269 3602
Passcode: chemcomps
Event Contact: Tami Little
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