Apr 24
Chemistry Department Seminar: Student Comps Presentation
Herschlag Comps Group - Angel Garcia-Ramirez, Hannah Ku, Leo Qi, Barclay Shove, Mira Verma, Parker Walther
Elucidating the Intricacies of Enzyme Catalysis
Present in all living organisms, enzymes catalyze reactions essential to life as we know it. In his research at Stanford University, Dr. Daniel Herschlag’s group focuses on understanding the complexities of catalysis, utilizing ketosteroid isomerase (KSI) as a model. KSI catalysis relies on three fundamental factors: stabilizing the transition state, destabilizing the substrate-bound ground state, and stabilizing the oxyanion intermediate. Extensive research has shown that these structural motifs can also be translated into the context of other enzymes. In examining these elements, Herschlag identifies enzymatic structures essential for achieving efficient catalysis and sets the foundation for rational enzyme design. Please join us in learning more about Herschlag’s exploration of enzyme catalysis.
*This seminar counts towards the chemistry major seminar attendance requirement for all majors not doing comps this year.
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