Apr 25
Spring Mindfulness Meditation

Led by Bhante Sathi, Guiding Teacher at Triple Gem of the North Meditation Center.
Week 1: Self-Compassion and Mindfulness:
Explore the role of self-compassion in mindfulness practice and lead exercises to help participants develop self-compassion skills.
Week 3: Cultivating Gratitude:
Explore the connection between mindfulness and gratitude, and lead exercises to help participants cultivate a mindset of gratitude in their daily lives.
Week 5: Mindful Communication:
Teach techniques for practicing mindfulness in communication, such as active listening and speaking with intention.
Week 7: Mindfulness for Academic Success:
Discuss how mindfulness can enhance academic performance, focus, and concentration, and share mindfulness techniques specifically tailored for studying and test-taking.
Week 9: Being at Peace with Emotions:
Through regular mindfulness practice, we can cultivate a sense of inner peace and acceptance in relation to our emotions. Rather than resisting or trying to suppress certain emotions, mindfulness invites us to embrace them as natural and temporary phenomena. By allowing emotions to come and go without clinging to or pushing them away, we can experience a greater sense of equanimity and tranquility amidst life's ups and downs.
Repeats every other week on Thursday: Mar 28, 2024, Apr 11, 2024, Apr 25, 2024, May 9, 2024, May 23, 2024
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