Sep 26
Wŏn Buddhist Meditation

Led by Sungha Yun, Wŏn Buddhist Priest & Assistant Professor of Religion and Asian Studies at St. Olaf.
September 26th
Wŏn Buddhist Meditation 1: The Art of Transforming Suffering into Happiness
As we navigate life, we encounter countless challenges and difficulties. In this session, we will reflect on the pains and struggles we face, explore the wisdom Buddhism provides for overcoming suffering, and meditate on how to apply this wisdom in our daily lives.
October 10th
Wŏn Buddhist Meditation 2: Chanting Meditation “Namu Amit’abul” (Homage to Amitābha Buddha, the Buddha of Limitless Life)
In this session, we will delve into the meaning of the famous Buddhist chant “Namu Amit’abul” (Ch. Namo Āmituo Fo, J. Namu Amida Butsu) and practice discovering the true Buddha within ourselves through this chanting.
October 24th
Wŏn Buddhist Meditation 3: Sitting Meditation
In this session, we will learn specific techniques for seated meditation and practice them together. We will cover how to warm up before meditation, proper breathing techniques, the correct posture for meditation, and how to maintain our focus. This practice will provide an opportunity to turn our attention inward, shifting away from our usual outward focus.
November 7th
Wŏn Buddhist Meditation 4: Mindfulness Meditation
In this session, we will reflect on how the Buddhist meditation methods we have learned this semester can be applied through mindfulness practice to enhance our daily lives and contribute to making the world a better place.
Repeats every other week on Thursday: Sep 26, 2024, Oct 10, 2024, Oct 24, 2024, Nov 7, 2024
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