Internships at River Bend Nature Center (CCCE). (Feb 28th application deadline) Join the summer team at RBNC with a focus on environmental education and natural lands management.  River Bend Nature Center (RBNC) is dedicated to helping people discover, enjoy, understand, and preserve the incredible natural world that surrounds us.

Communication Intern at Clean River Partners (CCCE) (Feb 7th deadline) Help Clean River Partners find engaging ways to share educational opportunities, research, and stories about water and our area to engage more of our neighbors to join us! The Communications Intern will assist in Clean River Partner’s communications with members and broader community members to showcase our work and invite more folks in. They will take the lead on projects related to social media marketing, website development, and event coordination to amplify our message.

Curbside Compost Cooperative Summer Assistant (CCCE), (Feb 7th deadline) Work with Curbside Compost Cooperative this summer! In this position, students will gain experience working in a democratically-run business doing community education, getting hands-on experience with compost processing and collection, and working on expanding the business into new geographic areas. If you are interested in local, cooperative strategies for waste reduction and sustainability, this is a great position for you! We would love to host two Carleton interns this summer.

Sharing Our Roots Ecological Restoration Internship (CCCE), (Position Filled) If you were interested in this position, consider the River Bend position as it also has a natural lands management component. Join the team at Sharing Our Roots farm, a regenerative farm powered by emerging farmers and farmers of color. The focus for this internship position will be to support our ecological restoration programs at Sharing Our Roots farm. We seek support in 1) in-the-field restoration projects, and 2) native plant seed collection and native plant installations. This will be a year to offer volunteer projects, including native species installation, native seed collection and natural lands restoration. The Farm Ecological Restoration Intern will be supported and supervised by the Natural Lands Manager.