River Bend Nature Center Naturalist Intern in Faribault (CCCE). (Feb 28th application deadline) Be part of RBNC’s summer programming, including educational place based programs for youth and families. Support RBNC’s natural lands management.  River Bend Nature Center is dedicated to helping people discover, enjoy, understand, and preserve the incredible natural world that surrounds us.

Growing Up Healthy Internship (CCCE), (Feb 28th application deadline) Use your skills to transform communities and build resiliency with our immigrant neighbors. Join Growing Up Healthy in working with Latine immigrant families in Rice County this summer. Join Growing Up Healthy this summer through participating in their Evenings in the Park programming and their energy efficiency work. Read more about this experience Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs) article, featuring former GUH intern and Carleton grad Clarissa Guzman

Northfield Union of Youth Staffer (CCCE) (Feb 7th application deadline) Provide a caring adult presence at The Key Youth Center on a schedule assigned by the youth board and Assistant Director. Responsibilities include providing social and emotional support for at-risk youth, creating and fostering developmental relationships with youth, empowering and supporting youth leadership, and other responsibilities as they arise. Tasks include supervising the youth center, tracking attendance, tracking programs, cleaning and maintenance, and other tasks as they arise.

Summer STEAM Program Facilitator Grades 1 to 8 (CCCE) (Feb 28th application deadline) Faribault Public Schools Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math STEAM summer programming, (Feb 7th application deadline) Lead activities and lessons for a section of students going into grades PreK-8 for Summer STEAM. Responsibilities include leading, assisting in, and working with a team to provide instruction and activities, leading afternoon camp sessions

Project Friendship Resource and Fundraising Coordinator (CCCE) (Feb 28th application deadline)Provide support for Project Friendship’s involvement in Carleton’s Lighten Up thrift sale and explore fundraising campaign options for the organization. Work directly on Lighten Up sale preparation during the month of June. Work alongside the PF volunteers at Lighten Up, including supervising the youth and family volunteers, tracking attendance, tracking tasks, and other duties as they arise. Lighten Up is one of PF’s fundraisers. Spend the remaining portion of your internship exploring fundraising and grant writing opportunities for Project Friendship.

Northfield Elementary School Summer PLUS Internship (CCCE), (Feb 28th application deadline) PLUS is a free program that strives to develop academic skills and abilities for students, as well as provide engaging enrichment opportunities.

Northfield Middle School BLAST Summer Internship (CCCE), (Feb 28th application deadline) BLAST is a free program for Middle School students that strives to develop academic skills and abilities through engaging enrichment opportunities.