Logistics is the detailed coordination of a complex operation involving many people, facilities, or supplies. On this page, a small number of forms, instructions, and best practices have been gathered to assist the operations in the Center for Community and Civic Engagement at Carleton. Please contact the Operations Coordinator if you need additional assistance.
Event Support
Events are a central part of the Center’s work and there are a few components that will assist you in creating a welcoming and successful event to move forward your work whether it’s for an ACE class or a co-curricular project.
Bon Appétit is the College’s catering and dining service provider and is a first stop when ordering foods for events.
You also have the option of ordering from any number of local restaurants or food providers.
You also have the option of ordering from any number of local restaurants or food providers.
PEPS (Presentation, Events, and Production Support)
Assistance with projection technology, video conferencing, recording both audio and visual, and other technology support is available through PEPS.
Request Event Support
All other PEPS-type requests
- Under request type drop down menu: Please choose “PEPS” (towards the bottom), then “Event” from the next drop-down menu, and then “Tech assistance and/or setup”, “Videoconferencing”, or “Videotaping”.
- You may need to log in with your Carleton user name and password.
Room Reservations
Space reservations are needed for all types of spaces on campus: classrooms, meeting rooms, and event spaces.
Reserve your space through Campus Scheduling or by contacting Campus Scheduling at x7185.
Complete the Facilities Setup Sheet
Sometimes, you will need to reserve the most-sought-after spaces many months in advance. If you will be using video conferencing during your event, you can book a room with this equipment. If such a room is not available, the necessary equipment can be set up by PEPs.
Event Sustainability Information
The Center for Community and Civic Engagement strives to have lovely, important events that have as little impact on the earth as possible. Some of the strategies we use when ordering and supplying the events are as follows:
- Reusable Mugs
The CCCE ordered mugs with the CCCE Logo on them for marketing purposes. There are a couple of dozen of these mugs that we use for events. The mugs are placed out near the beverages and we ask that they be placed in a tub when the guests are done. Following our event, CCCE Fellows wash and dry the mugs and they are set aside for use at the next event.
Purchased through Positive Promotions, here they are:
- Compostable Products
We also use compostable items from Amazon for our CCCE Events. Here is the description of the items we order and keep on hand as event supplies: :
Sold by: ECOLipak $29.89
Sold by: HERLLY $10.99
Kingzak White Dinner 16.5″X15″ | Eight Fold | 2-Ply | Pack of 200 Napkin, 200 Count
Sold by: King Zak Industries $15.99
Sold by: Plate “O” Stack $19.75
- Water for beverages can be done in different ways:
- When possible, the CCCE Office will use water from the tap in cambros. We have several cambros that have been purchased for different large events.
- If we need individually packaged waters, we try to purchase Sparkling LaCroix Water in cans. This is usually purchased locally
La Croix Curate Variety Pack of Sparkling Water, 12 Fl Oz (Pack of 24) Assorted12 Fl Oz (Pack of 24) $37.61 vs. any type of water bottled in plastic.
- Some are particularly fond of the Still (uncarbonated waters). Found on Amazon.
This item: Open Water – Still Cans (2 Cases – Canned Still Water) $34.86. These waters are available through Bon Appetit.
Media Release Form
Please have all non-Carleton participants fill out a Media Release form if you are planning on taking and using pictures from your event on any Carleton or CCCE platforms. All completed forms should be filled out and returned to the Operations Coordinator. If using pictures from or publicizing events with community partners, it may also be beneficial to read through the document on ethical storytelling/publicity from the Minnesota Campus Compact.
Background Checks/Fingerprinting: For Local Schools and Other Organizations
For local schools, have your students fill these out, and bring them back to the CCCE:
Background Checks/Finger printing

Fingerprinting FAQs
Who needs to get fingerprinted?
Anyone doing the CNA certification course, or volunteering with Northfield Hospital or College Friends will need to get fingerprinted. Your PD, CCCE Fellow, or community partner will let you know if this applied to you.
When can I get fingerprinted?
After you get the email from nobody@uemail.identogo.com with the subject line “IdentGO Service Confirmation – MN DHS Background Study” you must make and go to your fingerprinting appointment within 14 days.
Where do I go to get fingerprinted?
Identogo is very mobile, these are the current locations nearest Carleton:
- 1500 20th St. NW, Faribault, MN 55021 (GrandStay Hotel)
- 20800 Kenrick Ave., Lakeville, MN 55044 (Holiday Inn)
- 12400 Princeton Ave., Savage, MN 55378 (Rudolph Community and Care Organization)
How do I get transportation to my appointment?
If you have your own transportation you are welcome to take that. If you are a campus driver, talk to your PD or CCCE Fellow and we can make a campus car reservation for you. If you are not a campus driver, talk to your PD or CCCE Fellow and we will work through transportation options.
What do I need to bring to my appointment?
You need to bring the ID you selected when scheduling your appointment. You should also bring the email you received from nobody@uemail.identogo.com in case they need to see the UEID code.
What if I need to change my appointment?
If you need to reschedule, adjust, or cancel your appointment, use the link provided in your email or visit their webpage. You may also contact the IDEMIA Customer Service Call Center by calling 844-556-8505. Please be sure you have your UEID available.
Permission for CCCE Programs Background/Reference Check Release
This form needs to be completed and returned to the CCCE prior to the CCCE ProStaff conducting a reference/background check related to academics and conduct with the Carleton College Office of the Dean of Students. Please check with the Operations Coordinator if you need further instruction on this.
You must be signed in to view this form.
CCCE Programs Background/Reference Check Release
Publicity and CCCE Stories
There are several ways that information and communication about ACE course, co-curricular events, cohort activities, office events, and news can be shared on campus and in the community. Every cohort will have a person who will handle publicity for their group.
Some ways to advertise/publicize events are by using:
- CCCE Web Calendar Listing
- All-Campus Event Calendar Listing
- Submit to Carleton Today, a weekly email digest
- All-campus announcements (sent Monday and Thursday)
- Facebook posts
- Poster or graphic created
- Digital signage (poster added to TVs around campus)
- Facebook event
- Assistance with photography of the event (Communications Department request)
Stories are one of the most powerful ways we can communicate what our office does. Share your stories related to the CCCE!
Share a story and photo after an event so that the CCCE can report on activities and include stories on the website and in our newsletter, and annual report, and other media venues.
Purchases and Reimbursements
There are two ways for Fellows/Program Directors to make purchases for cohort or program supplies and for office snacks and other standard purchases.
You can purchase items with your own money, check, or credit card. You will need to complete an out-of-pocket request for reimbursement through WorkDay (go.carleton.edu/workday). You will need to attach a receipt, so keep receipts and be prepared to upload a digital copy with your WorkDay request. It takes about 10 days to process payments.
Or, you can use the CCCE Cohort and Program credit card that is kept in the Office. You will need to sign out the card which also indicates that you have read the credit card agreement and agree to those terms. You will use the credit card and then complete the Visa Card Receipt Form which allows you to attach a receipt of the transaction. Receipts should be turned in immediately upon return of the card to the office.
Note: No tax will be paid on purchases. The tax-exempt number is imprinted on the credit card. If tax is included on your purchases, you may be asked to reimburse that amount. If you need a copy of Carleton’s tax-exempt status, check with your ProStaff.
Release and Waiver Form
This form needs to be completed and returned to the CCCE prior to participation in any activity. Please check with the Operations Coordinator if you need further instruction on this.
Waiver of Liability, Assumption of Risk, and Indemnity Agreement
Reporting Cases of Child Abuse and Neglect
Setting up and Paying an Outside Supplier
- This process is automated in WorkDay (go.carleton.edu/WorkDay)
- If they are already in the system as a Supplier, we don’t need to request a W-9.
- If they are not in the system, a W-9 Request needs to be sent to the vendor. (see #5 below)
- If the person is coming in on a contracted basis for special work and is not a Carleton employee, an independent contractor form must be completed. The person negotiating the contract should complete this form. This goes to HR and you will receive notification when and if it has been approved.
- You must send out this link for the vendor to submit information for a W-9. Once the vendor completes this you will receive notice and the payment in WorkDay can move forward.
- If it is an outside supplier/contractor, before a payment request can be submitted, the independent contractor form must also be completed and approved by HR.
- Additionally, the supplier can request to have payments made via direct deposit rather than have to wait for a paper check (Carleton’s preferred method). The Accounts Payable Department will send a direct deposit form to the supplier so confidential payment information can be shared with the business office.
- This can take 7-10 days to process.
- If there are any questions about this, contact accountspayable@carleton.edu.
Tokens of Appreciation, Donations, Gift Cards
The business office offers options that may be helpful in paying community knowledge holders. Review the information on this page for policies on:
- Honorariums and Donations in Lieu of Honorariums
- Amazon Gift Cards
Tokens of Appreciation
- College gifts policy.
- Small tangible tokens of appreciation to non-employees can be appropriate
- Example: showing appreciation to community speakers with a mug
- Typically one or the other is given (honorarium OR token of appreciation, not both)
- When listing the expense on a purchasing card, note the following: Token Gift, recipient’s name, note that it is for a partner, the purpose, and that it’s not going to an employee.
Training and Work Forms – Required for CCCE
All Fellows have a training overview at the beginning of the term when they start. Here is the presentation with live links in case anyone wants to go back and have a refresher.
Working with Minors. If you indicated that you will be working with minors, the training module, “Protecting Children: Identifying and Reporting Sexual Misconduct”, will be assigned to you in Workday Learning. The module can also be accessed and completed by searching for it directly in the Workday Learning App. You only need to complete this course once during your time at Carleton.
Sexual Misconduct Training for Peer Leaders with Laura Riehle-Merrill. Here’s the link to the online training video. It’s 47 minutes long.
Vulnerable Adults Training. This course is provided by the Minnesota Department of Human Services that takes about an hour to complete. It covers the relevant laws and some example scenarios, and there’s a quiz at the end that you need to pass to get a certificate.
Work Forms
Both of these forms must be completed before any work-study position can begin. You will need to schedule a time to meet with Human Resources (HR) staff (either online or in-person) for a short 15-minute meeting.
Either download or pick up form in the HR Office, complete, meet with a HR staff member, and return the completed, signed paper copy to the HR Office at Carleton College (can be mailed in). Be sure to leave enough time to schedule your meeting with HR to allow plenty of time prior to your return to work.
Campus Go
For all information relating to transportation at Carleton, please see the Carleton Transportation page.
Campus Go (formerly Carls-Go) is partnering with St. Olaf to offer better service for students. Northfield Lines will run up to three vans during peak periods between the two colleges to assist students with medical, student activity, volunteer, or work-related transportation within Northfield. Unanswered calls will now be directed to a live person at Northfield Lines, ensuring all calls are answered. Call 507-301-1234 Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pm, during the term.
For more information, see the Campus Go shuttle page.
Carleton Fleet Vehicles
Go to the Fleet Vehicle Reservation Page to reserve a car or van. Visit the Carleton Transportation page for the most recent information.
A limited number of fleet vehicles are available to faculty, staff, and student organizations for business and event travel sponsored by the College. This often includes travel for ACE Courses. When driving Fleet Vehicles, the costs of gas are reimbursed by the College.
Note: These vehicles may be driven only by college-approved drivers
This option is best for groups of students traveling to locations in Northfield other than the public schools and health institutions, or locations outside of Northfield.
For information on how students, faculty, and staff can become Campus Drivers, see the Eligible Drivers page from Campus Services.
For more information on Fleet Vehicles and how to reserve them, see the Fleet Vehicles page.
Zipcar will be available on campus starting September 1, 2024. Two vehicles will be parked just west of James Hall for student, faculty, and staff use. The cost is $35 for the annual app fee plus $9.50 per hour for the vehicle.
Sign up here: Zipcar at Carleton College
Northfield Lines Metro Express
Northfield Lines Metro Express is now offering a Friday-Sunday service during the term to and from downtown Minneapolis (Dinkytown). Last departure from Dinkytown on Friday and Saturday is 9:30pm. The round-trip cost for students is $30. MSP airport break buses will still run at the beginning and end of term for $35 each way.
Northfield Lines
Northfield Lines is the preferred vendor for chartering buses at Carleton. We have secured special pricing to reflect this recent change. Please note this pricing is not intended to be shared with other charter companies.
Get tickets here: Northfield Metro Express.
Field Trip Funds
The Office of the Provost can support with transportation funding for field trips.
Follow the process laid out on their website and email Eric Egge, Associate Provost, with requests.
For all other transportation options, visit the Campus Services transportation site.
Website Support
Each Cohort is responsible for maintaining their section of the CCCE Website. If you notice something on the CCCE Website that needs attention and is not in your oversight area, please fill out the CCCE Website Updates form to let someone know an update is needed.