Access the application form.

Grant Review Timeline

  • Currently accepting proposals on a rolling basis to support co-created ACE courses at least one term in the future.


  • Encourage a deeper level of collaboration with the community on applied ACE courses and ACE independent research projects.
  • Value the role of community knowledge holders directly impacted by the issues and content covered in the ACE class or project in shaping content delivery and student engagement. This can include their roles in preparing students for direct engagement and/or project-based work, and in helping students reflect critically on their experiences. 
  • Value the time community partners spend with faculty and CCCE staff in planning and shaping an applied ACE course and ACE-related projects.
  • Prioritize community-engaged ACE projects that can build year to year with intention of forming multi-year partnerships. 
  • Advance the CCCE vision, “To engage in inclusive, sustainable, reciprocal relationships that foster student learning and faculty development, fulfill community-identified needs, and promote an equitable and peaceful society.”

Before you prepare your grant application, please review the guiding values for ethical campus-community collaboration and the grant proposal checklist below.


What type of funding can I ask for?

  • This grant may be used to fund community partner honorariums/contracts to co-create Applied Academic Civic Engagement (ACE) courses and ACE- designated student research projects with faculty.
  • Faculty may apply for $2,000 to $4,000 a term. Funding can be used:
    • to bring community knowledge holders, elders, partners, etc. to campus;
    • to pay for community knowledge holders’ time collaborating on the design and execution of a project/ course content. We recommend paying community partners/co-educators $100/hour;
    • partners’ transportation to and from campus.
  • *Please note international visitors are taxed according to foreign tax laws. The amount you request should include this tax. Speak to your international partners about this during the planning process*

When should I pay a community partner? 

  • Is this part of their job? If it is part of a partner’s job to present certain content or educate the public about an issue, and that’s what they’re doing with your students, then it is appropriate not to pay the partner.
  • Are they there to teach your students? When a partner’s primary purpose is educating your students, it is appropriate to compensate them. For example, if they’re presenting on how social determinants of health play out in their sector, because that’s the subject of your course, it’s appropriate to compensate the partner. 
  • Is this a “fair trade”? If your students are providing a transactional “service” to the partner and little is asked of the partner in terms of educating your students, it is likely appropriate not to pay the partner. When your partner is meeting with your students about a project the students are completing for that partner organization, this can be a gray area. If you’ve asked the partner to give educational feedback to you students on the work they’ve done, it could be appropriate to offer compensation. 
  • Note that if you plan to pay your community partner, you should discuss this with them prior to submitting the grant proposal.

When is it co-creation?

  • Co-creation grants support collaboration that goes beyond the scope of a class presentation or something that can covered by a single honorarium. Note: All ACE-designated courses may request up to $200 to cover honorariums for community knowledge-holders. Those funds are independent of this grant process.
  • Co-creation involves activities such as co-designing a course or a significant aspect of a course or independent research project to align with both community partner priorities and student academic learning goals. Co-creation grants may support a partner’s participation in multiple brainstorming and planning meetings with a faculty member, several sessions with a class, meetings with faculty and students related to an ongoing project, etc.

How do I access funding for myself, the faculty member? 

Apply for a curricular innovation grant through the Provost’s office, due mid-winter each year.

How will I receive the funds if awarded a grant?

Stipends for speakers and residencies will be paid directly to recipients in coordination with the CCCE Academic Civic Engagement and Scholarship Coordinator.

What are the selection criteria?

  • The Community and Civic Engagement Committee (CCEC) will meet to award all grants.
  • Proposals will be selected on the basis of the proposed project’s:
    • Fit within the goals and objectives of community co-creation grant program
    • Intellectual or pedagogical significance
    • Potential for meaningful impact as defined by the community partner
    • Realistic timetable and goals
    • Clarity of purpose
    • The community partner has been consulted in writing this proposal
  • After the first year, preference may be given to those who have not previously applied for funding from the initiative.

Can I apply if I’m visiting faculty?

Yes, you are welcome to apply. Please note that a strong proposal will demonstrate how your project is connected to a continuing faculty member or department so that the project may live on beyond your time at Carleton.

If I’ve already received funding, can I reapply?

Yes, but if we have not received your final grant report or proper receipt documentation, you will not be considered.

What is the regular funding cycle?

Proposals can be submitted up to a year in advance of the proposed ACE course.

CCCE Community Co-Creation Grants Committee Timeline, 2023–24

Deadline (by 2nd week)Review Meeting (6th week)Grantees Announced (before the end of term)
Fall TermSeptember 29OctoberNovember
Winter TermJanuary 12FebruaryMarch
Spring TermApril 5Late AprilMay

What if my proposal falls outside of the regular funding cycle?

Given how new this fund and award process are, we are currently only considering proposals during the regular funding cycle.

I still have questions, what should I do?

Contact Emily Seru.

Grant Application Form

ACE Community Co-Creation Grant Application

Have you reviewed the proposal checklist? (Y/N)
This can be the title of the course or the name of the collaboration itself, whichever is more descriptive.
Have you discussed this proposal with your community partner? (Y/N)
You may consider student reflection, faculty and community partner reflection, and other aspects of the project.


You may request $2,000 to $4,000 per application to this fund.
List each expense and its projected cost. Examples: payment to community partner, transportation, community event, course materials etc.
Have you received a grant from this fund before?
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.

Post-Grant Reporting Form

ACE Community Co-Creation Grant Reporting Form

You may consider student learning, community collaboration, community impact, and other outcomes
Artifacts/documents/images may be emailed to Emily Seru at
This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.