Oct 7
Coffee and Donuts
Fri, October 7, 2022
• 9:30am
- 10:30am (1h) • Sayles 151

The CCCE (Center for Community and Civic Engagement - pronounced trip-C-E) holds a coffee + donuts "Meet & Greet" on Friday of every even week of the term (10/7, 10/21, 11/4, and 11/18).
Join us for FREE coffee, provided by James Gang Coffeehouse, and donuts, apple cider donuts from Fireside Orchard, in the CCCE office Sayles-Hill 151 from 9:30-10:30 a.m. this Friday, October 7.
Student leaders will be there to tell you more about programs in the CCCE and to have you sign up as a volunteer.
Bring a mug and a friend and we'll see you for yummy, local food and good company!
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