Sep 30
Know Before you Vote! AI and Election Media
Is your news being generated by robots? Join St. Olaf and Carleton librarians for an interactive presentation about the potential impacts of AI (Artificial Intelligence) on your election media coverage.
- Sarah D. Calhoun, Reference & Instruction Librarian for Humanities and Digital Scholarship, Carleton College
- Karen J. Olson, Research and Instruction Librarian for Music and Fine Arts, St. Olaf College
- Ann Schaenzer, Research and Instruction Librarian for Social Sciences and Data Literacy, St. Olaf College
Where: Atrium of the Northfield Public Library
When: Monday, September 30, 6 -7 p.m.
This event is part of the 3-part “Know before you vote!” series sponsored by the Northfield Public Library, the League of Women Voters of Northfield and Cannon Falls, St. Olaf College’s Institute for Freedom and Community, and Carleton College’s Center for Community and Civic Engagement. They include:
Event #1: Understanding Polling, Monday, August 26, 2024, 6-7 pm
Event #2: AI & Election Media, Monday, September 30, 2024, 6-7 pm
Event #3: Seeking Trustworthy Voices, Monday, October 28, 2024, 6-7 pm
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