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CLAS 135 Ancient World in Popular Culture 6 credits
From fantasy novels, like Percy Jackson, to superhero films (Wonder Woman) to viral hashtags on social-media, the ancient world has a constant presence in our modern world. Greco-Roman history, myths, stories, and literature are still actively used, but also misused, within the framework of “western” and global culture. In this course, we will discuss how Classical antiquity has been received, interpreted, or appropriated in the twenty-first century through different popular media, such as movies, TV shows, comic books, video games, and social-media, in order to gain a better understanding of what the ancient world can tell us about the modern.
- Winter 2025
- LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis
CLAS 135.00 Winter 2025
- Faculty:Anastasia Pantazopoulou 🏫 👤
- Size:30
- T, THLanguage & Dining Center 104 1:15pm-3:00pm