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GRK 226 Heroes and Monsters in Ancient Greek Thought 6 credits
Greek literature abounds in stories of hostile encounters between heroes and monsters. Perseus vs. Medusa, Theseus and the Minotaur, Bellerophon vs. the Chimera are only a few of these stories that feature larger-than-life individuals who confront otherworldly creatures. But why is there such a fascination in the Greek mind? In this course, we will examine such stories in the original Greek, looking at authors such as Homer, Hesiod, Herodotus, and Lucian, and we will discuss what the socio-cultural constructions of the hero and the monster show us about what it means to be human both in antiquity and in modern times.
- Spring 2025
- LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis
Student has completed any of the following course(s): GRK 204 – Intermediate Greek Prose and Poetry with a grade of C- or better or equivalent.
GRK 226.00 Spring 2025
- Faculty:Anastasia Pantazopoulou 🏫 👤
- Size:20
- M, WLanguage & Dining Center 205 9:50am-11:00am
- FLanguage & Dining Center 205 9:40am-10:40am