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ARTS 339 Advanced Photography 6 credits
In this course students explore photography as a means of understanding and interacting with both the world and the inner self. We will emphasize a balance of technical skills, exploration of personal vision, and development of critical thinking and vocabulary relating to photography. Advanced students will focus on developing a concise body of work independently through two self-directed longer projects. Instruction includes: use of large format cameras with a hand meter, film scanning, and strobe lighting. Students will learn to develop a portfolio as an ongoing process that requires informed and critical decision making to assemble a body of work. Collectively we will critique, analyze, give feedback on work and discuss readings that are pertinent to the production of images in contemporary times.
Two seats held for Art and Art History majors until the day after junior priority registration.
- Spring 2025
- ARP, Arts Practice
Student has completed any of the following course(s): ARTS 139 – Beginning Photography or ARTS 142 – The Book As Art Object or ARTS 244 – Alternative Processes or ARTS 245 – Constructed Image with grade of C- or better.
ARTS 339.00 Spring 2025
- Faculty:Xavier Tavera Castro 🏫 👤
- Size:15
- M, WBoliou 130 12:30pm-3:00pm