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ARTS 322 Sculpture 2: Form and Context 6 credits
In this intimate and nimble seminar, we will continue our exploration of the many wonders of sculpture, further developing our previous studio-based investigations. During several short and two prolonged problem-based assignments we will work to develop our personal voice and a more nuanced material expression in our art. We’ll be introducing interior and exterior site-specific installation, casting, advanced woodworking and welding techniques, as well as the potential for interactive robotics and digital media, to the range of possibilities. In Arts 322 you are free to explore the processes that most intrigue you–no specific material or sculptural format will be required.
Two seats held for Art and Art History majors until the day after junior priority registration. Extra Time Required
- Spring 2025
- ARP, Arts Practice
Student has completed of the following course(s): ARTS 122 – Introduction to Sculpture, ARTS 222 – Sculptural Practice, ARTS 327 – Woodworking or CS 232 – Art, Interactivity, and Microcontrollers with a grade of C- or better.
ARTS 322.00 Spring 2025
- Faculty:Stephen Mohring 🏫 👤
- Size:14
- T, THBoliou 020 9:00am-11:30am