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ARTS 113 Field Drawing 6 credits
A beginning drawing course for students who are interested in developing their skills in drawing from nature, to better see and understand their surroundings. Class material covers line, form, dimension, value, perspective, and space using a variety of drawing materials. Subject matter includes specimens, plant forms, and the landscape. Students will use a portable sketchbook, and classes during the second part of the term are primarily outside. Locations include the Arb and field trips; access to these sites does include walking on unpaved paths and uneven terrain.
Sophomore Priority; Two seats held for Art and Art History majors until the day after junior priority registration.
- Fall 2024
- ARP, Arts Practice
ARTS 113.00 Fall 2024
- Faculty:Eleanor Jensen 🏫 👤
- Size:17
- T, THWeitz Center 242 1:15pm-3:45pm
Sophomore Priority; Three seats held for Art and Art History majors until the first day of sophomore registration.
Sophomore Priority.