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AFST 101 Ecology and Anthropology Tanzania Program: Elementary Swahili
Elementary Swahili introduces students to the communicative use of Swahili, emphasizing communicative competence in real contexts. Ninety percent of instruction is conducted in the target language. Vocabulary and grammar are taught in context. Instruction pays attention to the cultural information in relevant contexts of communication. The main learning/teaching styles used include role plays, prepared presentations, interactive lectures, classroom conversations, and dramatization. In addition to the class textbook, authentic source materials are used, such as pictures, songs, short stories, poems and essays. Student assessment is continuous, and includes classroom participation, homework, written exams and oral exams.
Open only to participants in Ecology & Anthropology in Tanzania program
- Fall 2024
- No Exploration
Acceptance in the Carleton OCS Ecology and Anthropology in Tanzania program.