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Your search for courses · during 24FA, 25WI, 25SP · tagged with TL: Comps 400 · returned 34 results
AFST 400 Integrative Exercise
The comprehensive exercise is a substantial (approximately 34-40 page) research paper on a topic within African, African American, and/or African Diaspora studies. The student should have completed a 300-level AFST course, or a 300-level course that counts toward the AFST major. The comps process begins with a Comps Topic Development Worksheet during spring term of the junior year, a comps topic intention form followed by a proposal in fall term of the senior year, and ends with a final written thesis and oral presentation early in spring term.
Not offered in 2024-25
Student is in the AFST Program of Study and has Senior Priority.
AMST 400 Integrative Exercise Colloquium 3 credits
The American Studies comprehensive exercise takes place over Fall and Winter terms and is a colloquium process that yields an individual 12-15 pp essay and a collaborative, public facing presentation.
Not offered in 2024-25
Student must have completed AMST 396 and is in AMST program and senior priority.
ARTH 400 Integrative Exercise
The integrative exercise for the art history major involves an independent research project, on a topic chosen by the student and approved by faculty members, resulting in a substantial essay due late in the winter term. One credit is awarded, usually in the spring term, for a formal presentation that contextualizes the project and summarizes the argument of the essay. The other five credits may be distributed in any fashion over the fall and winter terms. Art History 400 is a continuing course; no grade will be awarded until all six credits are completed.
Not offered in 2024-25
Student is an Art History major and has Senior Priority.
ARTS 400 Integrative Exercise 1 – 5 credits
The integrative exercise for the studio arts major consists of an independent research project involving experimentation, reflection, and deep engagement in the production of a cohesive body of artwork. The comps process is designed to give students the opportunity to develop ideas over the course of a term with close advice and support of the studio faculty and fellow students. Class of 2025 the department highly recommends students take five credits of comps fall or winter term of the senior year and one credit in the spring term of the senior year. Class of 2026 will be required to take five credits of comps fall or winter term of the senior year and one credit in the spring term of senior year.
Class of 2025, the department highly recommends students take five credits of comps Fall or Winter term of the senior year and one credit the Spring term of the senior year. Class of 2026 will be required to take five credits of comps fall or winter term of the senior year and once credit the spring term of the senior year.
Not offered in 2024-25
Student is a Studio Arts major and has Senior Priority.
ASST 400 Integrative Exercise
Not offered in 2024-25
Student is an Asian Studies major and has Senior Priority.
BIOL 400 Integrative Exercise 1 – 2 credits
Preparation and submission of the written portion of the Integrative Exercise. Continuing course (fall or winter). Oral examination, evaluation of the Integrative Exercise, and participation in visiting speakers seminars (spring).
Not offered in 2024-25
Student is a Biology major and has Senior Priority.
CAMS 400 Integrative Exercise
Not offered in 2024-25
Student is a Cinema and Media Studies major and has Senior Priority.
CGSC 400 Integrative Exercise 3 credits
Not offered in 2024-25
Student is a Cognitive Science major and has Senior Priority.
CHEM 400 Integrative Exercise
Three alternatives exist for the department comprehensive exercise. Most students elect to join a discussion group that studies the research of a distinguished chemist or particular research problem in depth. Other students elect to write a long paper based on research in the primary literature, or write a paper expanding on their own research investigations. Most of the work for Chemistry 400 is expected to be accomplished during winter term. Students should enroll for five credits of Chemistry 400 during the winter, receive a “CI” at the end of that term, and then enroll for one credit during the spring, with the final evaluation and grade being awarded during spring term. Chemistry majors will be required to attend at least 10 seminars between the term in which they declare and the end of winter term of their senior year to ensure breadth in the exposure to the ways chemists approach their work.
Not offered in 2024-25
Student is a Chemistry major and has Senior Priority.
CLAS 400 Senior Research Project 3 credits
From topics developed in Classics 384, 385, 386, or 387, departmental majors will expand and refine their research into articles to be submitted to a journal of professional style, accepted and edited by the group into a presentable volume.
Not offered in 2024-25
Student has completed any of the following course(s): CLAS 384 – Food and Foodway Ancient Mediterranean or CLAS 385 – Islands in Time or CLAS 386 – Classical Myth: Theory, Function, Afterlife or CLAS 387 – Expectasne Patronum? Magical Practice in the Greco-Roman World with a grade of C- or better AND is a Classics major AND has Senior Priority.
CS 400 Integrative Exercise 3 credits
Beginning with the prototypes developed in the Senior Seminar (CS 399), project teams will complete their project and present it to the department. Required of all senior majors. Each CS 400 is paired with a particular section of CS 399, and the prerequisite for CS 400 must be filled by satisfactory completion of that CS 399.
Not offered in 2024-25
Student is a Computer Science major and has senior priority.
ECON 400 Integrative Exercise 3 credits
Not offered in 2024-25
Student is an Economics major and has Senior Priority.
ENGL 400 Integrative Exercise 6 credits
Senior English majors may fulfill the integrative exercise by completing one of the four options: the Colloquium Option (a group option in which participants discuss, analyze and write about a thematically coherent list of literary works); the Research Essay Option (an extended essay on a topic of the student’s own devising); the Creative Option (creation of a work of literary art); or the Project Option (creation of an individual or group multidisciplinary project). The Research Essay Option is open to students who have completed a senior seminar in the major by the end of fall term senior year. The Creative Option is open only to students who have completed at least two creative writing courses (one of which must be at the 300 level) by the end of fall term senior year.
Not offered in 2024-25
Student is an English major and has Senior Priority.
ENTS 400 Integrative Exercise 6 credits
In this course, ENTS majors complete a group-based comprehensive exercise. Each group is expected to research and execute a group project on the topic chosen by the group, under the guidance of an ENTS faculty member. Toward the end of winter term, all groups present their research at a symposium sponsored by ENTS.
Not offered in 2024-25
Student has completed the following course: ENTS 395 – Senior Seminar with grade of C- or better
FREN 400 Integrative Exercise 3 credits
During their senior year, students expand and deepen an essay in French from one of their advanced courses in the major. Normally, but not always, the director for this project will be the professor from that course. This essay may be completed during any term, but must be finished by the end of winter term. In the spring term, students deliver an oral presentation (in English) summarizing their work. Seniors may choose either of the following: 1) A substantial individual essay, or 2) An individual essay that complements work done in a second major (subject to approval by the Department). Further details are available on the Department’s website.
Not offered in 2024-25
Student is a French and Francophone Studies major and has Senior Priority.
GEOL 400 Integrative Exercise
Each senior geology major must take a total of six credits of Geology 400. One of the credits will be awarded in the spring term for the preparation and delivery of a formal talk and attendance at the talks or other seniors. The other five credits must be taken in the fall and/or winter terms. Credits can be divided between those two terms or all five credits may be taken in the same term. All seniors must attend the Geology 400 seminars which will meet weekly fall and winter term. Geology 400 is a continuing course, and the grade will not be awarded until the end of spring term.
Not offered in 2024-25
Student is a GEOL major and has Senior Priority.
GERM 400 Integrative Exercise
Examining an aspect of German literature across eras or genres.
Not offered in 2024-25
Student is a German major and has Senior Priority.
GWSS 400 Integrative Exercise
Not offered in 2024-25
- No Exploration
Student is a GWSS major and has Senior Priority.
HIST 400 Integrative Exercise 6 credits
Required of all seniors majoring in history. Registration in this course is contingent upon prior approval of a research proposal.
Not offered in 2024-25
Student is a History major and has Senior Priority.
- HIST 398
IDSC 400 Integrative Exercise
Integrative Exercise for special majors
Not offered in 2024-25
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LING 400 Integrative Exercise 6 credits
Not offered in 2024-25
Student is a Linguistics major and has Senior Priority.
LTAM 400 Integrative Exercise
Satisfactory completion of the major includes the writing of a thesis which attempts to integrate at least two of the various disciplines studied. A proposal must be submitted for approval early in the fall term of the senior year. The thesis in its final form is due no later than the end of the first week of spring term. An oral defense of the thesis is required.
Not offered in 2024-25
Student is a Latin American Studies major and has Senior Priority.
MATH 400 Integrative Exercise 3 – 6 credits
Either a supervised small-group research project or an individual, independent reading. Required of all senior majors.
Not offered in 2024-25
Student is in the MATH program of study and has Senior Priority and has completed any of the following course(s): MATH 236 – Mathematical Structures or equivalent AND three courses from any Math course higher than MATH 236, CS 252 or equivalent, CS 254, CS 352, STAT 250, STAT 320 or STAT 340 with a grade of C- or better.
MUSC 400 Integrative Exercise 6 credits
Required of senior majors. The integrative exercise may be fulfilled by completion of a significant composition, performance, or research-paper project. Students who wish to fulfill Music 400 with such projects must meet department-specified qualifying criteria.
Not offered in 2024-25
Student is a Music major and has senior priority.
PHIL 400 Integrative Exercise 3 credits
A colloquium in which seniors defend their senior theses and discuss the senior theses of others.
Not offered in 2024-25
Student is a Philosophy major and has Senior Priority.
PHYS 400 Integrative Exercise
An extensive study of a specific topic in physics, culminating in a 60-minute presentation during winter or spring term and a 7500 word paper. Students may arrange to complete the bulk of their work during winter or spring term (Physics 400, 6 credits), or divide their effort between terms (PHYS 400, winter, 3 credits; PHYS 400, spring, 3 credits).
Not offered in 2024-25
Student is a Physics major and has senior priority.
POSC 400 Integrative Exercise
Not offered in 2024-25
Student is a Political Science and International Relations major and has Senior Priority.
PSYC 400 Integrative Exercise 3 credits
Students independently revise and extend the fall term paper, integrating the feedback from their faculty advisor. Based on this work, students submit a final comps paper (approx. 20 pages) that makes original contributions to the field of psychology through critiquing existing psychology primary sources, applying empirically-supported psychological theories to new questions, generating potential applied guidelines, and/or proposing new theories or empirical studies based on published theories and empirical research.
Not offered in 2024-25
Student has completed any of the following course(s): PSYC 399 – Capstone Seminar with grade of C- or better.
RELG 400 Integrative Exercise 3 credits
Not offered in 2024-25
Student is a Religion major and has Senior Priority.
RUSS 400 Integrative Exercise
Not offered in 2024-25
Student is a Russian major and has Senior Priority.
SOAN 400 Integrative Exercise
Senior sociology/anthropology majors fulfill the integrative exercise by writing a senior thesis on a topic approved by the department. Students must enroll in six credits to write the thesis, spread as the student likes over Fall, Winter, and Spring terms. The process begins with the submission of a topic statement in the preceding spring term and concludes with a public presentation in spring of the senior year. Please consult the Sociology and Anthropology website for a full description.
Not offered in 2024-25
Student is a Sociology and Anthropolog major and has Senior Priority.
SPAN 400 Integrative Exercise 6 credits
Not offered in 2024-25
Student is a Spanish major and has Senior Priority.
STAT 400 Integrative Exercise 3 – 6 credits
Either a supervised small-group research project or an individual, independent reading. Required of all senior majors.
Not offered in 2024-25
THEA 400 Integrative Exercise
Not offered in 2024-25
Student is a Theater major and has Senior Priority.