Search Results
Your search for courses · during 24FA, 25WI, 25SP · tagged with THEA Practical · returned 9 results
DANC 150 Contact Improvisation 1 credits
This is a course in techniques of spontaneous dancing shared by two or more people through a common point of physical contact. Basic skills such as support, counterbalance, rolling, falling and flying will be taught and developed in an environment of mutual creativity.
- Fall 2024
- ARP, Arts Practice PE, Physical Education
DANC 254 Jazz Dance: Roots and Grooves 3 credits
This course positions jazz and related social dance styles as forms with African diasporic roots and American branches. Composed of 60% in-class movement investigation and 40% both in-class and out of class reading, viewing, writing, and creating, Jazz Dance: Roots and Grooves will ask students to invest in how the elements of groove, improvisation and interaction unite different approaches to jazz and make it a form that appreciates the past, centers the present and innovates for the future. Some dance experience recommended.
- Winter 2025
- ARP, Arts Practice PE, Physical Education
THEA 110 Beginning Acting 6 credits
Introduces students to fundamental acting skills, including preliminary physical training, improvisational techniques, and basic scene work. The course includes analysis of plays as bases for performance, with a strong emphasis on characterization.
Extra Time for rehearsal
- Fall 2024, Winter 2025, Spring 2025
- ARP, Arts Practice
THEA 185 The Speaking Voice 6 credits
This course seeks to provide a practical understanding of the human voice, its anatomy, functioning and the underlying support mechanisms of body and breath. Using techniques rooted in the work of Berry, Linklater and Rodenburg, the course will explore the development of physical balance and ease and the awareness of the connection between thinking and breathing that will lead to the effortless, powerful and healthy use of the voice in public presentations and in dramatic performance.
- Fall 2024, Spring 2025
- ARP, Arts Practice
THEA 195 Acting Shakespeare 6 credits
Though widely read, Shakespeare’s plays were written to be performed. This acting class, designed for students with no prior experience with Shakespeare, will explore approaches to performance with an emphasis on the use of the First Folio. Students will create performances using Shakespeare’s approaches to rhetoric, imagery and structure while examining some of the plays’ principal themes. Video and audio recordings will be used to develop a critical perspective on acting Shakespeare with an emphasis on the differing demands of live and recorded performance.
- Winter 2025
- ARP, Arts Practice
THEA 199 Theater Practicum 3 credits
This course is designed for students who have major responsibilities in Carleton Players productions as Stage Managers, Actors and Designers. Students enrolled in this class will have more responsibility and be expected to commit to more time than the students registered in Theater 190, including additional time for research, design and role preparation. Students in this course will get in-depth learning experiences in the processes most central to the discipline; the creation of performances. Students will waitlist for the course; enrollment in the course will be by instructor’s permission depending on the responsibilities students have.
Course will meet weeks 2 through 6, the drop add period will be the end of week 2. Open only to students in THEA 199 cohort
- Fall 2024, Spring 2025
- ARP, Arts Practice
- Student is a member of the THEA 199 Student Cohort
THEA 211 Intermediate Acting 6 credits
This course builds on the core principles of THEA 110 through scene study, improvisational exercises, and script analysis. Students will practice the techniques of Sanford Meisner, Uta Hagen, and Stella Adler as they deepen their ability to live truthfully in imaginary circumstances. Expected preparation: Theater 110 or significant acting experience.
Extra time required
- Winter 2025
- ARP, Arts Practice
THEA 226 Avant-garde Theater and Performance 6 credits
"Make it new!" was the rallying cry of the modernists, and ever since, the theater has never ceased its efforts to break both aesthetic and social conventions, boundaries, and taboos. Beginning with some of the important precursors of the twentieth century–Artaud, Brecht, and Meyerhold–this course will explore the history and theory of the avant-garde, charting the rise of interdisciplinary “performance." Students will both analyze and perform work written and inspired by these avant-garde artists.
- Spring 2025
- ARP, Arts Practice
THEA 245 Directing 6 credits
Although many directors begin their artistic careers in some other discipline (usually acting), there is a set of skills particular to the director’s art that is essential to creating life on stage. Central is the ability to translate dramatic action and narrative into the dimensions of theatrical time and space: the always-present challenge of “page to stage.” In this course, students will learn methods of text analysis strategic to this process as well as the rudiments of using that analysis to generate effective staging and powerful acting. Having mastered the fundamentals, students will then explore and enhance their theatrical imagination, that creative mode unique to the medium of live performance. Class time will be devoted to work on three major projects and almost daily exercises.
- Spring 2025
- ARP, Arts Practice