Search Results
Your search for courses · during 24FA, 24FA, 24FA, 25WI, 25WI, 25WI, 25SP, 25SP, 25SP · tagged with PSYC Capstone · returned 3 results
PSYC 358 Cross-Cultural Psychology Seminar in Prague: Psychopathology 6 credits
In the West mental illness has traditionally been approached with a biomedical model that views it as independent of culture. By contrast the “relativist” position assumes that, to a large extent, human behaviors are culturally determined and that the etiology and manifestation of mental disorders are affected by society and culture. This course will address such issues as well as their implications for assessment and treatment through an examination of several Western and non-Western societies, with a special emphasis on Czech society. There will be several guest lectures by Czech psychology professors as well as excursions within Prague to psychiatric hospitals and clinics, where students will meet with Czech clinicians and patients.
- Fall 2024
- IS, International Studies SI, Social Inquiry
Acceptance in Cross-Cultural Studies in Prague Program and student has completed any of the following course(s): PSYC 110 – Principles of Psychology with a grade of C- or better.
PSYC 391 Independent Study 6 credits
Register for this course by submitting the Independent Reading/Study/Research Form, which requires approval from the project faculty supervisor.
- Winter 2025
- No Exploration
PSYC 399 Capstone Seminar 6 credits
Each of the three capstone seminars focus on a topic of interest to students in psychology. The goals of the course are to consider questions on a selected topic through reading primary research and discussion and review skills pertinent to scholarly investigation within the topic. Students are then mentored through a substantial paper related to the seminar topic.
- Fall 2024
- No Exploration
Student is a Psychology major and has Senior Priority.