Search Results
Your search for courses · during 23FA · tagged with POSIADVSEM · returned 3 results
POSC 308 Global Gender Politics 6 credits
How have gendered divisions of power, labor, and resources contributed to the global crises of violence, sustainability, and inequity? Where and why has the pursuit of gender justice elicited intense backlash, especially within the last two decades? In this course, we will explore the global consequences of gender inequality and the ongoing pursuit of gender justice both transnationally and in different regions of the world. We will investigate a variety of cases ranging from land rights movements in East Africa, to the international movement to ban nuclear weapons. Finally, we will pay special attention to how hard-won gains in women’s rights and other related inequalities in world affairs are being jeopardized by new and old authoritarianisms.
- Fall 2023
- International Studies Social Inquiry
POSC 308.00 Fall 2023
- Faculty:Summer Forester 🏫 👤
- Size:15
- M, WHasenstab 002 1:50pm-3:45pm
POSC 336 Global Populist Politics 6 credits
Are populist politicians scoundrels or saviors? Regardless of the answer, populism is undeniably a growing force in politics around the world: in democracies as well as autocracies, rich and poor countries, and involving different ideologies. How can we understand this diversity? In this class, we will explore populism using a variety of comparative frameworks: temporal (situating the current crop of populism in historical context), ideological (comparing populisms of the left versus the right), as well as geographic. We will try to understand the hallmarks of populism, when and why it emerges, and its impact on political institutions and society.
- Fall 2023
- International Studies Social Inquiry
POSC 336.00 Fall 2023
- Faculty:Dev Gupta 🏫 👤
- Size:15
- T, THHasenstab 105 1:15pm-3:00pm
POSC 352 Political Theory of Alexis de Tocqueville 6 credits
This course will be devoted to close study of Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, which has plausibly been described as the best book ever written about democracy and the best book every written about America. Tocqueville uncovers the myriad ways in which equality, including especially the passion for equality, determines the character and the possibilities of modern humanity. Tocqueville thereby provides a political education that is also an education toward self-knowledge.
POSC 352.00 Fall 2023
- Faculty:Barbara Allen 🏫 👤
- Size:15
- T, THHasenstab 109 10:10am-11:55am