Search Results
Your search for courses · during 24FA, 25WI, 25SP · tagged with MUSC Ethnomusicolgy or Pop · returned 7 results
AFST 225 Black Music, Resistance, and Liberation 6 credits
For every defining moment in black history, there is a song. Every genre of black music makes a statement not only about the specific historical epoch it was created but also about the people’s dreams. For black people, songs are a means of resistance to oppression and an expression of the will to live. Through the analysis of black music, this course will expose students to black people’s struggles, hopes, and aspirations, and also American history, race relations, and much more. The class will read insightful texts, listen to songs, watch films, and engage in animated discussions.
- Fall 2024
- HI, Humanistic Inquiry IDS, Intercultural Domestic Studies WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): One course that applies toward the Humanistic Inquiry requirement with a grade of C- or better.
ARBC 222 Music in the Middle East 6 credits
The Middle East is home to a great number of musical styles, genres, and traditions. Regional, ideological, and cultural diversity, national identity, and cross-cultural encounters–all express themselves in music. We will explore some of the many musical traditions in the Arab world, from early twentieth century to the present. Class discussions based on readings in English and guided listening. No prior music knowledge required, but interested students with or without musical background can participate in an optional, hands-on Arab music performance workshop, on Western or a few (provided) Middle Eastern instruments throughout the term.
MUSC 205 Disability in Popular Music: Representations, Roles, and Receptions 6 credits
How do public discourses around bodies and minds shape different styles of popular music? How do musicians and fans challenge ableism? Are certain disabilities more prominent in certain kinds of musics? And: can any of this even be heard? To address these questions, we will explore the life and music of artists such as Stevie Wonder, Joni Mitchell, Victoria Canal, Billie Eilish, and Django Reinhart, and examine how disability functions in subcultures such as punk, hip hop, and K-pop. Readings will be drawn from cultural disability studies, music theory, media studies, and the medical humanities.
MUSC 232 Golden Age of R & B 6 credits
A survey of rhythm and blues from 1945 to 1975, focusing on performers, composers and the music industry.
Not open to students who have taken MUSC 132
- Fall 2024
- IDS, Intercultural Domestic Studies LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Not open to students that have taken MUSC 132 – Golden Age of R & B
MUSC 244 Music Studies at the Border 6 credits
Where is music found? What can we learn about musical practices beyond the score and recording? This course introduces students to hands-on, ethnographic approaches to the study of music. We will consider the ethical, legal, interpersonal, and philosophical challenges of writing about the musical lives of others — and ourselves. Throughout the course, we will work together to design and carry out ethnographic research projects. Selected interested students will develop and carry out a project involving a significant on-site project through a significant on-site visit to the U.S./Mexico border during December. Previous coursework in music is helpful, but not required.
An optional, Carleton-funded site visit during the first week of December is planned to travel to the U.S./Mexico border. Students enrolled in MUSC 244 will indicate their interest in this visit by the Fall 2024 drop/add deadline; due to limited funding, only 12 students will be able to participate. Participants will be selected by random lottery among those who are interested. Students participating in the December travel are required to enroll in a 2-credit Winter 2025 MUSC 245 (Thursdays 10:45–11:50am, first five weeks).
MUSC 304 Party Politics: Popular Music in the Middle East 6 credits
In this research-based course, students will develop listening and analytical skills specific to music in Turkey, Iran, and Arab-majority societies. We will listen to indie rock, hip-hop, mahraganat, Arab pop, techno-dabke, and other popular styles. Topics include the role of radio technology in the Egyptian music industry; the relationship between music and nationalism; how class and gender inform musical performance; and the pleasures and politics of partying. Students will develop individual research topics related to the course (e.g., focusing on a song or artist), with the course culminating in a final research paper. No previous musical experience required.
MUSC 313 Video Game Music: History, Interpretation, Practice 6 credits
Over the decades, video game music has evolved from simple beeps and boops into a genre that has garnered millions of fans worldwide. This course traces the history of video game music aesthetics and technology. We will consider how it relates to a variety of musical traditions and engages with broader social issues. We will learn to listen for loops, styles, structures, and function in games via direct engagement with primary sources: the games themselves. The course culminates in the practical application of knowledge via a creative project.
Expected preparation: The ability to read music and a previous music course or instructor permission.
- Spring 2025
- LA, Literary/Artistic Analysis WR2 Writing Requirement 2
Student has completed any of the following course(s): One 100, 200, or 300 level MUSC course NOT including lesson or ensemble courses with a grade of C- or better.