Search Results
Your search for courses · during 23FA · tagged with MATH Electives · returned 7 results
CS 252 Algorithms 6 credits
A course on techniques used in the design and analysis of efficient algorithms. We will cover several major algorithmic design paradigms (greedy algorithms, dynamic programming, divide and conquer, and network flow). Along the way, we will explore the application of these techniques to a variety of domains (natural language processing, economics, computational biology, and data mining, for example). As time permits, we will include supplementary topics like randomized algorithms, advanced data structures, and amortized analysis.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning
- Computer Science 200 or 201 and Computer Science 202 (Mathematics 236 will be accepted in lieu of Computer Science 202)
MATH 240 Probability 6 credits
Introduction to probability and its applications. Topics include discrete probability, random variables, independence, joint and conditional distributions, expectation, limit laws and properties of common probability distributions.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning
- Mathematics 120 or Mathematics 211
MATH 244 Geometries 6 credits
Euclidean geometry from an advanced perspective; projective, hyperbolic, inversive, and/or other geometries. Recommended for prospective secondary school teachers.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning
- Mathematics 236
MATH 321 Real Analysis I 6 credits
A systematic study of concepts basic to calculus, such as topology of the real numbers, limits, differentiation, integration, convergence of sequences, and series of functions.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning
- math.236 or math.236p
MATH 332 Advanced Linear Algebra 6 credits
Selected topics beyond the material of Mathematics 232. Topics may include the Cayley-Hamilton theorem, the spectral theorem, factorizations, canonical forms, determinant functions, estimation of eigenvalues, inner product spaces, dual vector spaces, unitary and Hermitian matrices, operators, infinite-dimensional spaces, and various applications.
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning
- Mathematics 236 or instructor permission
MATH 349 Methods of Teaching Mathematics 6 credits
Methods of teaching mathematics in grades 7-12. Issues in contemporary mathematics education. Regular visits to school classrooms and teaching a class are required.
- Fall 2023
- Junior or senior standing and instructor permission
STAT 320 Time Series Analysis 6 credits
Models and methods for characterizing dependence in data that are ordered in time. Emphasis on univariate, quantitative data observed over evenly spaced intervals. Topics include perspectives from both the time domain (e.g., autoregressive and moving average models, and their extensions) and the frequency domain (e.g., periodogram smoothing and parametric models for the spectral density).
- Fall 2023
- Formal or Statistical Reasoning Quantitative Reasoning Encounter
- Statistics 230 and 250. Exposure to matrix algebra may be helpful but is not required