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Your search for courses · during 24FA, 25WI, 25SP · tagged with LING Core Course · returned 3 results
LING 115 Introduction to the Theory of Syntax 6 credits
This course is organized to enable the student to actively participate in the construction of a rather elaborate theory of the nature of human cognitive capacity to acquire and use natural languages. In particular, we concentrate on one aspect of that capacity: the unconscious acquisition of a grammar that enables a speaker of a language to produce and recognize sentences that have not been previously encountered. In the first part of the course, we concentrate on gathering notation and terminology intended to allow an explicit and manageable description. In the second part, we depend on written and oral student contributions in a cooperative enterprise of theory construction.
- Fall 2024, Spring 2025
- FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning
LING 216 Generative Approaches to Syntax 6 credits
This course has two primary goals: to provide participants with a forum to continue to develop their analytical skills (i.e., to ‘do syntax’), and to acquaint them with generative syntactic theory, especially the Principles and Parameters approach. Participants will sharpen their technological acumen, through weekly problem solving, and engage in independent thinking and analysis, by means of formally proposing novel syntactic analyses for linguistic phenomena. By the conclusion of the course, participants will be prepared to read and critically evaluate primary literature couched within this theoretical framework.
- Winter 2025
- FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning
Student has completed LING 115 – Intro to the Theory of Syntax with grade of C- or better
LING 217 Phonetics and Phonology 6 credits
Although no two utterances are ever exactly the same, we humans don’t function like tape recorders; we overlook distinctions to which mechanical recording devices are sensitive, and we “hear” contrasts which are objectively not there. What we (think we) hear is determined by the sound system of the language we speak. This course examines the sound systems of human languages, focusing on how speech sounds are produced and perceived, and how these units come to be organized into a systematic network in the minds of speakers of languages.
- Fall 2024
- FSR, Formal or Statistical Reasoning
Student has completed any of the following course(s): One 100-level LING course with grade of C- or better.