Search Results
Your search for courses · during 23FA · tagged with EDUC 2 Soc and Cult Context · returned 4 results
AMST 115 Introduction to American Studies 6 credits
This overview of the “interdisciplinary discipline” of American Studies will focus on the ways American Studies engages with and departs from other scholarly fields of inquiry. We will study the stories of those who have been marginalized in the social, political, cultural, and economic life of the United States due to their class, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, citizenship, and level of ability. We will explore contemporary American Studies concerns like racial and class formation, the production of space and place, the consumption and circulation of culture, and transnational histories.
Sophomore Priority
AMST 115.00 Fall 2023
- Faculty:Christopher Elias 🏫 👤
- Size:25
- M, WWeitz Center 133 11:10am-12:20pm
- FWeitz Center 133 12:00pm-1:00pm
Sophomore Priority.
HIST 122 U.S. Women’s History to 1877 6 credits
Gender, race, and class shaped women’s participation in the arenas of work, family life, culture, and politics in the United States from the colonial period to the late nineteenth century. We will examine diverse women’s experiences of colonization, industrialization, slavery and Reconstruction, religion, sexuality and reproduction, and social reform. Readings will include both primary and secondary sources, as well as historiographic articles outlining major frameworks and debates in the field of women’s history.
HIST 122.00 Fall 2023
- Faculty:Annette Igra 🏫 👤
- Size:30
- T, THLeighton 402 10:10am-11:55am
IDSC 203 Talking about Diversity 6 credits
This course prepares students to facilitate peer-led conversations about diversity in the Critical Conversations Program. Students learn about categories and theories related to social identity, power, and inequality, and explore how identities including race, gender, class, and sexual orientation affect individual experience and communal structures. Students engage in experiential exercises that invite them to reflect on their own social identities and their reactions to difference, diversity, and conflict. Students are required to keep a weekly journal and to participate in class leadership. Participants in this class may apply to facilitate sections of IDSC 103, a 2-credit student-led course in winter term.
Application required, Only students with instructors consent allowed to register
- Fall 2023
- Intercultural Domestic Studies
IDSC 203.00 Fall 2023
- Faculty:Sharon Akimoto 🏫 👤 · Trey Williams 🏫 👤
- Size:8
- Grading:S/CR/NC
- T, THHasenstab 109 1:15pm-3:00pm
PSYC 384 Psychology of Prejudice 6 credits
This seminar introduces students to major psychological theories and research on the development, perpetuation and reduction of prejudice. A social and historical approach to race, culture, ethnicity and race relations will provide a backdrop for examining psychological theory and research on prejudice formation and reduction. Major areas to be discussed are cognitive social learning, group conflict and contact hypothesis.
- Fall 2023
- Intercultural Domestic Studies Social Inquiry
- Psychology 110 or instructor permission. Psychology 256 or 258 recommended