Search Results
Your search for courses · during 23FA · tagged with EAST Supporting · returned 12 results
ARTH 266 Arts of the Japanese Tea Ceremony 6 credits
This course will examine the history and aesthetics of the tea ceremony in Japan (chanoyu). It will focus on the types of objects produced for use in the Japanese tea ceremony from the fifteenth century through the present. Themes to be explored include: the relationship of social status and politics to the development of chanoyu; the religious dimensions of the tea ceremony; gender roles of tea practitioners; nationalist appropriation of the tea ceremony and its relationship to the mingei movement in the twentieth century; and the international promotion of the Japanese tea ceremony post-WWII.
Extra time, requires concurrent registration in ARTS 236
- Fall 2023
- International Studies Literary/Artistic Analysis
- Requires concurrent registration in Studio Arts 236
ARTH 266.00 Fall 2023
- Faculty:Kathleen Ryor 🏫 👤
- Size:12
- M, WBoliou 161 11:10am-12:20pm
- FBoliou 161 12:00pm-1:00pm
ARTS 236 Ceramics: Vessels for Tea 6 credits
Students will learn techniques used by Japanese potters, and those from around the world, to make vessels associated with the production and consumption of tea. Both handbuilding and wheel throwing processes will be explored throughout the term. We will investigate how Japanese pottery traditions, especially the Mingei “arts of the people” movement of the 1920s, have influenced contemporary ceramics practice in the United States and how cultural appropriation impacts arts practice. Special attention will be paid to the use of local materials from Carleton’s Arboretum as well as wood firing and traditional raku processes.
Extra Time, requires concurrent registration in Art History 266
- Fall 2023
- Arts Practice Intercultural Domestic Studies
- Requires concurrent registration in Art History 266
ARTS 236.00 Fall 2023
- Faculty:Kelly Connole 🏫 👤
- Size:12
- M, WBoliou 046 8:30am-11:00am
CHIN 364 Chinese Classic Tales and Modern Adaptation 6 credits
This course introduces to students influential Chinese classic tales and their modern adaptation across media platforms. Students improve their listening and speaking skills through viewing and discussing visual materials. Students develop their reading and writing proficiencies through analyzing authentic texts, formulating their own arguments, and writing critical essays. The overarching goal of this course is to increase students’ fluency in all aspects of Chinese language learning and to deepen students’ understanding of the role that cultural tradition plays in shaping China’s present.
- Fall 2023
- Literary/Artistic Analysis
- Chinese 206 or equivalent (students who have taken one 300-level course at Carleton are qualified to register)
CHIN 364.00 Fall 2023
- Faculty:Shaohua Guo 🏫 👤
- Size:15
- M, WLanguage & Dining Center 205 9:50am-11:00am
- FLanguage & Dining Center 205 9:40am-10:40am
ECON 240 Microeconomics of Development 6 credits
This course explores household behavior in developing countries. We will cover areas including fertility decisions, health and mortality, investment in education, the intra-household allocation of resources, household structure, and the marriage market. We will also look at the characteristics of land, labor, and credit markets, particularly technology adoption; land tenure and tenancy arrangements; the role of agrarian institutions in the development process; and the impacts of alternative politics and strategies in developing countries. The course complements Economics 241.
- Fall 2023
- International Studies Quantitative Reasoning Encounter Social Inquiry
- Economics 111
ECON 240.00 Fall 2023
- Faculty:Faress Bhuiyan 🏫 👤
- Size:25
- M, WWillis 211 12:30pm-1:40pm
- FWillis 211 1:10pm-2:10pm
HIST 159 Age of Samurai 6 credits
Japan’s age of warriors is often compared to the Middle Ages. Sandwiched between the court society and the shogunate, the warrior population in Japan is often compared to the vassals in feudalism. This course examines the evolution of the samurai from the late twelfth to the seventeenth century, with the thematic focus on the evolving dynamics between violence and competing political regimes (monasteries, estate holders, opportunistic households, regencies, cloistered government). With analyses of many different types of primary sources (chronicles, poems, letters, diaries, travelogues, thanatologues, maps) students will develop critical skills to frame key historical questions against broader historiographical contexts.
HIST 159.00 Fall 2023
- Faculty:Seungjoo Yoon 🏫 👤
- Size:30
- M, WLeighton 202 11:10am-12:20pm
- FLeighton 202 12:00pm-1:00pm
MUSC 182 Chinese Musical Instruments 1 credits
Beginning through advanced study on traditional Chinese instruments, pipa (Chinese lute), erhu (Chinese violin), guzheng (Chinese zither), zhongruan (Chinese moon guitar), hulusi, bawu and dizi (Chinese bamboo flutes).
2023-24 $376 fee
- Fall 2023
- Arts Practice
MUSC 182J Chinese Musical Instruments (Juried) 1 credits
Beginning through advanced study on traditional Chinese instruments, pipa (Chinese lute), erhu (Chinese violin), guzheng (Chinese zither), zhongruan (Chinese moon guitar), hulusi, bawu and dizi (Chinese bamboo flutes).
2023-24 $376 fee
- Fall 2023
- Arts Practice
MUSC 282 Chinese Musical Instruments 2 credits
Beginning through advanced study on traditional Chinese instruments, pipa (Chinese lute), erhu (Chinese violin), guzheng (Chinese zither), zhongruan (Chinese moon guitar), hulusi, bawu and dizi (Chinese bamboo flutes).
2023-24 $752 fee. Instructor permission
- Fall 2023
- Arts Practice
- Instructor Permission
MUSC 282J Chinese Musical Instruments (Juried) 2 credits
Beginning through advanced study on traditional Chinese instruments, pipa (Chinese lute), erhu (Chinese violin), guzheng (Chinese zither), zhongruan (Chinese moon guitar), hulusi, bawu and dizi (Chinese bamboo flutes).
2023-24 $752 fee. Instructor permission
- Fall 2023
- Arts Practice
- Instructor Permission
POSC 120 Democracy and Dictatorship 6 credits
An introduction to the array of different democratic and authoritarian political institutions in both developing and developed countries. We will also explore key issues in contemporary politics in countries around the world, such as nationalism and independence movements, revolution, regime change, state-making, and social movements.
POSC 120.00 Fall 2023
- Faculty:Alfred Montero 🏫 👤
- Size:30
- M, WLeighton 305 12:30pm-1:40pm
- FLeighton 305 1:10pm-2:10pm
Sophomore Priority.
POSC 170 International Relations and World Politics 6 credits
What are the foundational theories and practices of international relations and world politics? This course addresses topics of a geopolitical, commercial and ideological character as they relate to global systems including: great power politics, polycentricity, and international organizations. It also explores the dynamic intersection of world politics with war, terrorism, nuclear weapons, national security, human security, human rights, and the globalization of economic and social development.
POSC 170.00 Fall 2023
- Faculty:Summer Forester 🏫 👤
- Size:30
- M, WWillis 204 9:50am-11:00am
- FWillis 204 9:40am-10:40am
POSC 264 Politics of Contemporary China 6 credits
This course examines the political, social, and economic transformation of China over the past century. Though contemporary issues are at the heart of the course, students will delve into an entire century of changes and upheaval to understand the roots of current affairs in China. Particular emphasis will be placed on state-building and how this has changed state-society relations at the grassroots. Students will also explore how the Chinese Communist Party has survived and even thrived while many other Communist regimes have fallen and assess the relationship between economic development and democratization.
- Fall 2023
- International Studies Social Inquiry
POSC 264.00 Fall 2023
- Faculty:Huan Gao 🏫 👤
- Size:25
- M, WLibrary 344 9:50am-11:00am
- FLibrary 344 9:40am-10:40am