Search Results
Your search for courses · during 24FA, 25WI, 25SP · tagged with DANC Choreography · returned 2 results
DANC 190 Fields of Performance 6 credits
This introductory course in choreography explores games, structures, systems and sports as sources and locations of movement composition and performance. Readings, viewings and discussion of postmodernist structures and choreographers as well as attendance and analysis of dance performances and sports events will be jumping off point for creative process and will pave the way for small individual compositions and one larger project. In an atmosphere of play, spontaneity and research participants will discover new ways of defining dance, pushing limits and bending the rules. Guest choreographers and coaches will be invited as part of the class. Open to all movers. No previous experience necessary.
- Spring 2025
- ARP, Arts Practice
DANC 190.00 Spring 2025
- Faculty:Judith Howard 🏫 👤
- Size:20
- T, THWeitz Center 165 1:15pm-3:00pm
DANC 391 Independent Study
Register for this course by submitting the Independent Reading/Study/Research Form, which requires approval from the project faculty supervisor.
- Fall 2024
- No Exploration